Observational Techniques & Design (AQA A Level Psychology): Exam Questions

1 hour10 questions
11 mark

Identify one limitation of controlled observations.

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2a2 marks

A group of researchers used ‘event sampling’ to observe children’s friendships over a period of three weeks at break times and lunchtimes during the school day.

Explain what is meant by ‘event sampling’.

2b4 marks

The investigation in part a is an example of a ‘naturalistic observation’.

Briefly discuss how observational research might be improved by conducting observations in a controlled environment.

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14 marks

A controlled observation was designed to compare the social behaviours of pre-school children of working parents and pre-school children of stay-at-home parents. The sample consisted of 100 children aged three, who were observed separately. Half of the children had working parents and the other half had stay-at-home parents.

The observation took place in a room which looked like a nursery, with a variety of toys available. In the room, there were four children and one supervising adult. Their behaviour was not recorded.

Each child participant was brought into the room and settled by their parent. The parent then left to sit outside. Each child participant’s behaviour was observed covertly for five minutes while they played in the room.

The observation was conducted in a controlled environment and a standardised script was used when the children and their parents arrived.

Explain why the researcher used a controlled observation and a standardised script in this study.

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24 marks

A controlled observation was designed to compare the social behaviours of pre-school children of working parents and pre-school children of stay-at-home parents. The sample consisted of 100 children aged three, who were observed separately. Half of the children had working parents and the other half had stay-at-home parents.

The observation took place in a room which looked like a nursery, with a variety of toys available. In the room, there were four children and one supervising adult. Their behaviour was not recorded.

Each child participant was brought into the room and settled by their parent. The parent then left to sit outside. Each child participant’s behaviour was observed covertly for five minutes while they played in the room.

The researcher used two trained observers to record the social behaviours of each child box during the observation.

Give two behavioural categories that the observers could have used in the observation to assess the pre-school children’s social behaviour. Explain why your chosen categories are appropriate.

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3a4 marks

A controlled observation was designed to compare the social behaviours of pre-school children of working parents and pre-school children of stay-at-home parents. The sample consisted of 100 children aged three, who were observed separately. Half of the children had working parents and the other half had stay-at-home parents.

The observation took place in a room which looked like a nursery, with a variety of toys available. In the room, there were four children and one supervising adult. Their behaviour was not recorded.

Each child participant was brought into the room and settled by their parent. The parent then left to sit outside. Each child participant’s behaviour was observed covertly for five minutes while they played in the room.

Describe how the observers could use time sampling to record the social behaviour of each child during the five-minute period.

3b4 marks

Explain one strength and one limitation of using time sampling for this observation.

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44 marks

A controlled observation was designed to compare the social behaviours of pre-school children of working parents and pre-school children of stay-at-home parents. The sample consisted of 100 children aged three, who were observed separately. Half of the children had working parents and the other half had stay-at-home parents.

The observation took place in a room which looked like a nursery, with a variety of toys available. In the room, there were four children and one supervising adult. Their behaviour was not recorded.

Each child participant was brought into the room and settled by their parent. The parent then left to sit outside. Each child participant’s behaviour was observed covertly for five minutes while they played in the room.

Explain how the reliability of the controlled observation could be assessed through inter-observer reliability.

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53 marks

Studies of attachment often involve naturalistic observations.

Suggest one way in which studies of attachment could be improved by using controlled observations.

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112 marks

Design an observational study to investigate how people spend their time at the gym.

In your answer you will be awarded credit for providing appropriate details of:

  • type of observation with justification

  • operationalised behavioural categories

  • use of time and/or event sampling with justification

  • how reliability of data collection could be assessed

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212 marks

The psychologist decided to design an experiment to test the effects of recreational screen time on children’s academic performance.

The psychologist randomly selected four schools from all the primary schools in her county to take part in the experiment involving Year 5 pupils.

The feedback from one of the schools was that recreational screen time affected pupils’ box social interactions. The psychologist decided to investigate this further by using an observation of social interaction during playtime at the school.

Design the observation to investigate pupils’ social interaction in the playground.

In your answer you will be awarded credit for providing appropriate details of:

  • type of observation, with justification

  • choice of time sampling or event sampling, with justification

  • dealing with one relevant ethical issue

  • assessing reliability of the data through inter-observer reliability

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312 marks

The psychologist focused on fluency in spoken communication in her study. Other research has investigated sex differences in non-verbal behaviours such as body language and gestures.

Design an observation study to investigate sex differences in non-verbal behaviour of males and females when they are giving a presentation to an audience.

In your answer you should provide details of:

  • the task for the participants

  • the behavioural categories to be used and how the data will be recorded

  • how reliability of the data collection might be established

  • ethical issues to be considered.

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