Data Handling: Descriptive Statistics & Computation (AQA A Level Psychology)

Exam Questions

3 mins2 questions
11 mark

A psychologist was reading an article about typical dream themes in adults.

Figure 2 shows the main dream themes identified in the article

Pie chart titled "Main dream themes" with sections: Daily life, Being chased, Falling, School/studying, Relationships, Flying, and Other.

Using Figure 2, estimate the percentage of dreams that were reported to be about being chased.

  • 4%

  • 12%

  • 27%

  • 42%

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22 marks

A psychologist was interested in finding out whether dream themes differed between males and females, particularly in terms of social interaction.

When comparing the data for males and females, the psychologist found that there was a difference in the proportion of friendly and aggressive social interactions. This is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Percentage of friendly and aggressive social interactions in dreams reported by males and females

Table 2 Percentage of friendly and aggressive social interactions in dreams reported by males and females

A total of 375 dreams reported by males included social interaction. Use the data in Table 1 to calculate how many of these dreams reported by males were classified as aggressive. Show your workings.

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