OCD (AQA A Level Psychology): Exam Questions

49 mins8 questions
12 marks

Which two of the following are cognitive characteristics of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?
Choose two from the options A, B, C, D and E.

  • Awareness that behaviour is irrational

  • Compulsions

  • Disgust

  • High anxiety

  • Obsessions

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2a2 marks

A biological psychologist wanted to see if there was a positive correlation between heart rate (measured in beats per minute) and levels of a stress hormone (measured in micrograms) in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). She wrote a directional hypothesis and collected data from 20 people with OCD.

The psychologist chose to use the Pearson’s r test to analyse the data because she was testing for a correlation.

Explain one other reason why the psychologist used a Pearson’s r test in this study.

2b1 mark

The calculated value of r for the Pearson’s test was +0.42.

Which one of the following scattergrams best represents a correlation coefficient of +0.42?

Shade one box only.

Four scatter plots labeled A, B, C, D with x and y axes ranging from 1 to 10. Each plot has a line of best fit with varying data point distributions.

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14 marks

Outline two cognitive characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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24 marks

Describe the biological approach to treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

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34 marks

A biological psychologist wanted to see if there was a positive correlation between heart rate (measured in beats per minute) and levels of a stress hormone (measured in micrograms) in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). She wrote a directional hypothesis and collected data from 20 people with OCD.

The psychologist chose to use the Pearson’s r test to analyse the data because she was testing for a correlation.

The calculated value of r for the Pearson’s test was +0.42.

The researcher used the following table of critical values.

Table 1 Critical values of r for Pearson’s test

Level of significance for a one-tailed test



Level of significance for a two-tailed test



df = 17












Calculated value of r must be equal to or more than the critical value for significance to be shown Degrees of freedom (df ) = N – 2

Is the psychologist’s calculated value significant? With reference to Table 1, explain your answer.

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18 marks

Outline and evaluate one or more neural explanations of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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28 marks

Discuss the genetic explanation for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

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316 marks

Discuss the biological approach to treating OCD.

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