Influence of Early Attachment on Later Relationships (AQA A Level Psychology)

Exam Questions

35 mins4 questions
14 marks

Lenny is being interviewed for a TV dating show. He describes his approach to relationships:

“My friends would say I’m scared of commitment and need to settle down. I suppose they’re right, I’m in my late thirties now. I fall in love constantly but my relationships never last more than a few weeks. My mum left when I was very young, I don’t know if that has something to do with it…”

Explain how, according to attachment research, Lenny’s early experience might have influenced his later relationships.

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116 marks

Discuss research into the influence of early attachment on childhood and/or adult relationships.

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27 marks

Researchers investigated whether the experience of bullying is influenced by attachment type. They interviewed teenagers about their early attachment experiences. Following the interviews, the teenagers were categorised into two groups based on their attachment type:

  • Group 1 – secure attachment in childhood

  • Group 2 – insecure attachment (insecure-avoidant or insecure-resistant) in childhood.

During the interview, the teenagers were also asked about their experience of bullying. They were categorised as either:

  • having had experience of bullying, or

  • having had no experience of bullying.

Which statistical test would be most suitable to analyse the data in this investigation? With reference to this investigation, explain three reasons for your choice of test.

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38 marks

Discuss the influence of early attachment on childhood relationships. Refer to the likely results of the study in Question 13 in your answer.

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