State two effects of institutionalisation.
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State two effects of institutionalisation.
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Anca is an orphan who has recently been adopted by a British couple. Before being adopted, Anca lived in an institution with lots of other children in very poor conditions. Her new parents are understandably concerned about how Anca’s early experiences may affect her in the future.
Use your knowledge of the effects of institutionalisation to advise Anca’s new parents about what to expect.
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Ryan is a 14-year-old boy who spent the first five years of his life in care.
Ryan has a difficult relationship with his adoptive parents and has few friends. His recent school report described him as achieving below average in most subjects. Ryan has also recently been in trouble with the police for antisocial behaviour.
Discuss Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation. Refer to Ryan in your answer.
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Discuss the effects of institutionalisation. Refer to the studies of Romanian orphans in your answer.
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