Explanations of Attachment (AQA A Level Psychology): Exam Questions

36 mins7 questions
1a1 mark

Annie feeds her newborn baby regularly and they have formed a strong bond.

According to the learning theory of attachment, before any attachment had been formed, the milk Annie gives her baby is best described as:

  • A conditioned stimulus

  • A neutral stimulus

  • An unconditioned response

  • An unconditioned stimulus

1b1 mark

Annie feeds her newborn baby regularly and they have formed a strong bond.

According to the learning theory of attachment, now she has formed an attachment with her baby, Annie is best described as:

  • A conditioned stimulus

  • A neutral stimulus

  • An unconditioned response

  • An unconditioned stimulus

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21 mark

Which two of the following attachment concepts were not introduced by Bowlby?

  • Affectionless psychopathy

  • Critical period

  • Interactional synchrony

  • Internal working model

  • Multiple attachment stage

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34 marks

Match each of the research findings 1, 2, 3 and 4 with one of the researchers A, B, C,D or E.

Write A, B, C, D or E in the box next to the appropriate research finding. Use each letter once only.

A John Bowlby

B Mary Ainsworth

C Harry Harlow

D Karl Lorenz

E Rudolf Schaffer

1. Infants form multiple, rather than monotropic, attachments

2. Infants form monotropic rather than multiple attachments

3. Contact comfort is essential to an infant’s psychological health

4. Through imprinting, newborns attach to the first moving object that they


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14 marks

Outline the learning theory of attachment.

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24 marks

Briefly evaluate learning theory as an explanation of attachment.

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35 marks

Briefly evaluate Bowlby's monotropic theory as an explanation of attachment.

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116 marks

Two mothers at the toddler and parent group are chatting.

“I always felt sorry for my husband when Millie was a baby. He used to say his bond with Millie was not as strong as mine because I was breastfeeding.”

“I’m not sure”, replies the other mother. “I think there’s something about a mother’s love that makes it more special anyway – and so important for future development.”

Discuss the learning theory of attachment and Bowlby’s monotropic theory of attachment. Refer to the conversation above in your answer.

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