Factors Affecting the Choice of Statistical Test (AQA A Level Psychology)

Revision Note

Claire Neeson


Psychology Content Creator

Factors affecting the choice of statistical test

The purpose of statistical testing

  • A statistical test determines if a difference/correlation is statistically significant

    • The outcome is more than a chance occurrence

    • The outcome determines whether the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected

What factors determine the choice of statistical test?

  • There are 3 distinct criteria that a researcher must consider before deciding which statistical test to use:

    • Have they conducted a test of difference (e.g. a lab experiment) or a test of correlation?

    • If they have conducted a test of difference, did they use an independent measures design, repeated measures design, or a matched pairs design?

      • an unrelated design refers to independent measures/groups

      • a related design refers to repeated measures and matched pairs

    • Have they collected nominal, ordinal or interval data?

  • The table below illustrates which test should be used and when:

Tests of Difference

Tests of association or correlation

Unrelated design

Related design

Nominal data


Sign test


Ordinal data

Mann Whitney U

Wilcoxon T

Spearman's rho

Interval data (Parametric tests)

Unrelated t-test

Related t-test

Pearson's r

  •  Chi-Squared is a test of both difference and association

  • Spearman's rho and Pearson's r are the only tests of correlation

Examiner Tip

The statistical tests which feature on the AQA specification are as follows:

  • Parametric tests:

    • Unrelated t-test

    • Related t-test

    • Pearson’s r

  • Non-parametric tests:

    • Mann-Whitney U

    • Wilcoxon T

    • Chi-squared

    • Spearman's rho

    • The Sign Test

You do not need to know how to calculate each test, but ensure that you can justify when to use each one. The mnemonic below can help you learn this:

Tests of Difference

Tests of association or correlation

Unrelated design

Related design

Nominal data



Sign test




Ordinal data

Mann Whitney U


Wilcoxon T


Spearman's rho


Interval data

Unrelated t-test


Related t-test


Pearson's r


Parametric tests

  • Parametric tests assume the following:

    • A normal distribution

      • This occurs when data is symmetrical around the mean: scores near the mean value are more frequent than scores which are far from the mean

      • The normal distribution has the 'bell curve' appearance when in graphical form

      • Example: height is a measurement that has a normal distribution

    • The use of interval data

      • This is because interval data is the most sensitive and precise type of data

    • Homogeneity of variance

      • If the set of scores per data set/condition are similar in terms of their dispersion, then this means they have homogeneity of variance

      • If both conditions show a similar standard deviation, for example, then this indicates that there was not a large amount of variability in each condition, i.e. the scores clustered about the mean

Non-parametric tests

  • Non-parametric tests do not follow the same criteria as parametric tests

    • There is no assumption of a normal distribution

      • This is because what is being measured may not fall within strict, clearly defined parameters

      • Example: scores on a memory test

    • Non-parametric tests use nominal or ordinal data

    • Non-parametric tests do not depend on homogeneity of variance

  • Parametric tests are more powerful and precise than non-parametric tests

    • They have more statistical power than non-parametric tests, as they are more likely to lead to the detection of a significant difference or correlation

Worked Example

Here is an example of an AO2 question that you might be asked on this topic.

AO2: You need to apply your knowledge and understanding, usually referring to the ‘stem’ in order to do so (the stem is the example given before the question).

Bella has conducted research using elite marathon runners as her sample. She measured the body temperature of her participants who had either just run 10K or had rested for 30 minutes. Bella wants to carry out a parametric test on this data.

Q. Explain why Bella should carry out a parametric test on this data. Justify your answer. 

[3 marks]

Model answer:

Link to type of data:

  • Bella should carry out a parametric test as her data is interval (temperature measurements have distinct and equal intervals between each measurement, plus body temperature is a relatively stable variable) [1 mark]

Link to type of distribution:

  • Bella can expect to see a normal distribution of data because all of the participants are elite athletes, which means that their scores are likely to converge around the mean [1 mark]

Link to variance:

  • She can also expect homogeneity of variance as the standard deviations per condition are likely to be similar due to the nature of the sample – all elite athletes who are used to running long distances [1 mark]

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Claire Neeson

Author: Claire Neeson

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.