Peer Review & the Economy (AQA A Level Psychology)



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Cards in this collection (10)

  • Which one of the following is not a type of peer review?

    a) Open review

    b) Closed review

    c) Single-blind review

    d) Double-blind review


    Closed review is not a type of peer review.

  • Peer review is an independent assessment carried out     the research is published by other     in the field.

    Peer review is an independent assessment carried out before the research is published by other experts in the field.

  • Which two of the following are some of the aims of the peer review process?

    a) To determine whether or not the researcher should keep their job

    b) To check the validity of the findings

    c) To assess whether or not the research can be translated into other languages

    d) To check that the research is original and has not been plagiarised

    b and d.

    Two of the aims of the peer review process are to check the validity of the findings and to check that the research is original and has not been plagiarised.

  • True or False?

    In an open review, the researchers and reviewers are known to each other.


    In an open review, the researchers and reviewers are known to each other.

    This type of review is believed to reduce plagiarism.

  • Which one of the following is not an outcome of the peer review process?

    a) Accept the work unconditionally 

    b) Accept the work as long as the researcher makes specific improvements/amendments

    c) Accept the work as long as the researcher removes their name from the published research

    d) Reject the work, but suggest amendments for re-submission of the work


    Accept the work as long as the researcher removes their name from the published research is not an outcome of the peer review process.

  • Research in psychology can produce a 'ripple effect' in society as it can be the springboard for     change, which can have implications for the economy.

    Research in psychology can produce a 'ripple effect' in society as it can be the springboard for social change, which can have implications for the economy.

  • One positive implication for the economy can be seen in the use of:

    a) drug therapy as a treatment for depression

    b) cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment for depression

    c) psychoanalytic therapy as a treatment for depression


    One positive implication for the economy can be seen in the use of drug therapy which is (relatively) cheap compared to cognitive behavioural therapy so a doctor is more likely to suggest a course of antidepressants to a depressed patient.

  • True or False?

    Research shows that a happy workforce is more productive.


    Research shows that a happy workforce is more productive.

    Higher productivity equals a boost to the economy.

  • One economically relevant finding of Schaffer & Emerson's research into       is that both parents can take it in turns to look after the baby, which saves money on      fees.

    One economically relevant finding of Schaffer & Emerson's research into attachment is that both parents can take it in turns to look after the baby, which saves money on childcare fees.

  • Loftus & Palmer concluded that miscarriages of justice based on unreliable eyewitness testimony are:

    a) negligible in terms of cost to a society

    b) worth it to raise awareness of faulty police questioning

    c) expensive for society


    Loftus & Palmer concluded that miscarriages of justice based on unreliable eyewitness testimony are expensive for society.

    Many costs are involved e.g., the initial trial, the cost of keeping someone in prison etc.