Observational Techniques & Design (AQA A Level Psychology)



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  • True or False?

    Observers are able to infer motive, intention, feeling or thought from an observation.

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  • True or False?

    Observers are able to infer motive, intention, feeling or thought from an observation.


    Observers cannot infer motive, intention, feeling or thought from an observation.

    Observers can only investigate observable behaviours, i.e., what they can see.

  • What is a naturalistic observation?

    A naturalistic observation is one in which the researcher observes and records behaviours in a natural setting, with no control of variables.

  • True or False?

    Naturalistic observations are used when it would be inappropriate or unfeasible to run an experiment to investigate the topic.


    Naturalistic observations are used when it would be inappropriate or unfeasible to run an experiment to investigate the topic.

  • Participants are generally unaware that they are being observed in a naturalistic observation, which means that they will not succumb to:

    a) the Bandura effect

    b) the Milgram effect

    c) the Hawthorne effect


    Participants are generally unaware that they are being observed in a naturalistic observation, which means that they will not succumb to the Hawthorne effect.

    This happens when participants' behaviour changes as a result of being observed, which lowers validity.

  • Naturalistic observations cannot be      which reduces the method's      as no variables are      .

    Naturalistic observations cannot be replicated which reduces the method's reliability as no variables are controlled.

  • What is a controlled observation?

    A controlled observation is one in which the researcher controls extraneous variables leading to a replicable procedure.

  • Which one of the following studies does not use a controlled observation?

    a) Bandura's Bobo doll study

    b) Zimbardo's prison study

    c) Rutter's Romanian orphans study


    Rutter's Romanian orphans study does not use a controlled observation.

  • True or False?

    Researchers can be more confident of a cause-effect relationship with a controlled observation.

    E.g., in Bandura's study, only the children who had observed the aggressive model performed imitative acts on the Bobo doll.


    Researchers can be more confident of a cause-effect relationship with a controlled observation.

    E.g., in Bandura's study, only the children who had observed the aggressive model performed imitative acts on the Bobo doll.

  • The use of controlled conditions and artificial tasks means that controlled observations are low in:

    a) reliability

    b) ecological validity

    c) ethical validity


    The use of controlled conditions and artificial tasks means that controlled observations are low in ecological validity.

  • Which one of the following is not a feature of a covert observation?

    a) Participants are not aware that they are being observed

    b) Participants will not have been informed of being observed in advance

    c) Participants may not be able to see the researcher observing them

    d) Participants will be in lab conditions


    Participants in lab conditions is not a feature of a covert observation.

    Covert observations are more likely to occur with naturalistic observations as the researcher is keen to preserve the natural and unforced quality of the behaviour.

  • True or False?

    As the researcher is hidden from the participants in a covert observation, the behaviour being observed is more likely to be real and uncontrived.


    As the researcher is hidden from the participants in a covert observation, the behaviour being observed is more likely to be real and uncontrived.

  • Covert observations lack ethical validity because:

    a) participants cannot give informed consent to take part in the study

    b) participants will always be harmed in a covert observation

    c) participants may sue the researcher afterwards


    Covert observations lack ethical validity because participants cannot give informed consent to take part in the study.

    Other ethical considerations are also compromised, e.g., right to withdraw, debriefing, etc.

  • In an overt observation participants are     that they are being observed.

    In an overt observation participants are aware that they are being observed.

  • Overt observations are more likely to be used as part of a:

    a) naturalistic observation

    b) controlled observation

    c) participant observation


    Overt observations are more likely to be used as part of a controlled observation.

    This is because the researcher is keen to test the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

  • True or False?

    Overt observations violate ethical guidelines.


    Overt observations do not violate ethical guidelines.

    This is because the researcher makes themself known to the participants, who are aware that they are being observed.

  • In an overt observation, participants are aware that they are being observed, which could give rise to:

    a) participant reactivity

    b) participant apathy

    c) participant fury


    In an overt observation, participants are aware that they are being observed, which could give rise to participant reactivity.

    This is a type of demand characteristic that involves participants responding too actively to the research process, i.e., trying too hard/not trying hard enough.

  • Which one of the following is not a feature of a participant observation?

    a) Participants are fully aware that they are being observed

    b) The researcher mingles with the group they are observing

    c) The researcher may end up living/working with the group for long periods of time


    Participants are fully aware that they are being observed is not a feature of a participant observation.

  • Participant observations can yield high-quality, rich and insightful:

    a) quantitative data

    b) qualitative data

    c) ordinal data


    Participant observations can yield high-quality, rich and insightful qualitative data.

    This increases the validity of the study, as access to real thoughts, feelings, and conversations is possible.

  • Being part of a participant observation could mean that the researcher loses their      , which would damage the      of the findings.

    Being part of a participant observation could mean that the researcher loses their objectivity, which would damage the validity of the findings.

  • What is a non-participant observation?

    A non-participant observation is one in which the researcher stays separate and apart from the group they are observing.

  • True or False?

    In a non-participant observation, the researcher is unlikely to be able to keep an objective distance from what is being observed.


    In a non-participant observation, the researcher can keep an objective distance from what is being observed.

    This means that they are unlikely to become biased or subjective in their recording of behaviour.

  • A non-participant observation may be short on detail and insight, which means that it may lack:

    a) reliability

    b) reflexivity

    c) explanatory power


    A non-participant observation may be short on detail and insight, which means that it may lack explanatory power.

  • A structured observation may be chosen by a researcher when observing:

    a) large samples in busy environments

    b) small samples in restricted environments

    c) couples in romantic relationships


    A structured observation may be chosen by a researcher when observing large samples in busy environments.

    This in done to create some sense of order so that behaviours are easy to identify.

  • Which one of the following behaviours would not be suitable to include in a structured observation?

    a) Ignoring instructions/obeying instructions

    b) Feeling happy/sad

    c) Dropping litter/putting litter in a bin


    Feeling happy/sad would not be suitable to include in a structured observation.

    This is because feelings can only be inferred, not directly observed.

  • True or False?

    Using predetermined categories means that the researcher is not likely to become distracted or unfocused when conducting a structured observation.


    Using predetermined categories means that the researcher is not likely to become distracted or unfocused when conducting a structured observation.

    This ensures that what is being observed is relevant to the research aim

  •         data is collected in a structured observation, a limitation of which is a lack of        power.

    Quantitative data is collected in a structured observation, a limitation of which is a lack of explanatory power.

  • An unstructured observation may be chosen by a researcher when observing:

    a) large crowds in a busy environment

    b) one single person

    c) small samples in intimate environments


    An unstructured observation may be chosen by a researcher when observing small samples in intimate environments.

    This is because interpersonal interaction is the focus of the observation.

  • True or False?

    The emphasis in unstructured observations is on gathering qualitative data.


    The emphasis in unstructured observations is on gathering qualitative data.

    They will generally not use predetermined behavioural categories, but instead they simply 'go with the flow' of the observation session.

  • Unstructured observations are high in       validity as the data is likely to be highly      and personal.

    Unstructured observations are high in ecological validity as the data is likely to be highly subjective and personal.

  • Unstructured observations may lack objectivity which means that the findings would be:

    a) invalid

    b) unethical

    c) unreliable


    Unstructured observations may lack objectivity which means that the findings would be unreliable.

  • What is meant by behavioural categories?

    Behavioural categories are predetermined identifiable, specific behaviours to be measured during one observation session.

  • Which one of the following examples would not be used as a behavioural category during an observation?

    a) Shoving

    b) Daydreaming

    c) Crossing arms

    d) Stopping at the lights


    Daydreaming would not be used as a behavioural category during an observation.

    This is because the behaviour cannot be clearly observed and is open to interpretation.

  • How is a behaviour checklist used in an observation?

    A behaviour checklist is used to record or tally how often a behaviour occurs according to the behavioural categories observed.

  • If more than one observer agrees on the frequency of behavioural categories observed, this means that the research has good:

    a) test-retest reliability

    b) temporal validity

    c) inter-observer reliability

    d) concurrent validity


    If more than one observer agrees on the frequency of behavioural categories observed, this means that the research has good inter-observer reliability.

  • True or False?

    Behavioural categories may limit the scope of the observation.


    Behavioural categories may limit the scope of the observation.

    If one or more behaviours are not present in the behavioural checklist, then this means that the research does not represent what occurred during the session.

  • The two types of sampling used with observations are:

    a) opportunity sampling and random sampling

    b) time sampling and event sampling

    c) participant sampling and time sampling


    The two types of sampling used with observations are time sampling and event sampling.

  • With event sampling, the researcher      every time a behaviour from the behaviour      occurs, i.e., it measures the      of each behaviour.

    With event sampling, the researcher records every time a behaviour from the behaviour checklist occurs, i.e., it measures the frequency of each behaviour.

  • Define time sampling.

    With time sampling the researcher records all behaviours during a set time frame, at a set point.

    E.g., They record their observations for 20 seconds at a time every 15 minutes over a 2-hour observation schedule.

  • Which sampling method allows the researcher flexibility to record any behaviours which may be relevant to the research - time sampling or event sampling?

    Time sampling allows the researcher flexibility to record any behaviours which may be relevant to the research.

  • Time sampling can miss any behaviours that occur outside of the set time frame, which limits:

    a) the validity of the method

    b) the reliability of the method

    c) the ethics of the method


    Time sampling can miss any behaviours that occur outside of the set time frame, which limits the validity of the method.

  • True or False?

    Event sampling means that specific behaviours may be missed or overlooked.


    Event sampling ensures that specific behaviours will not be missed or overlooked as they are set out in the behavioural categories.

  • If too many of the specific predetermined behaviours occur at once, it is difficult for     sampling to capture and record them all.

    If too many of the specific predetermined behaviours occur at once, it is difficult for event sampling to capture and record them all.