Features of Science, Reporting Investigations & the Scientific Report (AQA A Level Psychology)



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  • A theory can be constructed using      evidence gathered via research to support its central assumptions.

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  • A theory can be constructed using      evidence gathered via research to support its central assumptions.

    A theory can be constructed using empirical evidence gathered via research to support its central assumptions.

  • True or False?

    A hypothesis can be fairly flexible and open to interpretation.


    A hypothesis must be objective and measurable.

  • The empirical method involves using what sort of methods to collect data?

    a) Qualitative

    b) Varied

    c) Scientific

    d) Cognitive


    The empirical method involves using scientific methods to collect data.

  • What is a paradigm?

    A paradigm is a set of shared assumptions and methods within a particular discipline that distinguishes science from non-science.

  • True or False?

    A paradigm shift occurs when a field of study moves forward through a scientific revolution.


    A paradigm shift occurs when a field of study moves forward through a scientific revolution.

    This occurs when one or more scientists challenge an existing, accepted paradigm.

  • One way to ensure replicability is to implement:

    a) a standardised procedure

    b) an independent variable

    c) a case study


    One way to ensure replicability is to implement a standardised procedure.

    This is because it eliminates sources of bias as all participants experience the same treatment per condition.

  • Which one of the following is not an objective way in which to conduct research?

    a) Researchers must strive to be neutral with participants

    b) Researchers must ensure that they do not indicate to participants what they expect to find as a result of the research

    c) Researchers must 'weed out' any participants who are not taking the research seriously


    Researchers must 'weed out' any participants who are not taking the research seriously; this is not an objective way in which to conduct research.

  • True or False?

    Falsifiability refers to any theory that has been proved to be fake.


    Falsifiability is the ability of a theory to be found to be wrong/false via constant and continual testing.

  • What is the abstract in a psychological report?

    The abstract is a summary of the entire research process, which should be 150 - 200 words long.

  • The method section of a psychological report should include (select two):

    a) the scores per condition/group

    b) the standardised instructions used to explain the task to participants

    c) how the participant's performance on the task was recorded/measured

    d) what the researcher expects to find

    b. and c.

    The method section of a psychological report should include the standardised instructions used to explain the task to participants and how the participants' performance on the task was recorded/measured.

  • The discussion section of a psychological report presents an      of the research itself, identifying strengths and limitations of each aspect of it.

    The discussion section of a psychological report presents an evaluation of the research itself, identifying strengths and limitations of each aspect of it.

  • Referencing is used in a psychological report to avoid accusations of plagiarism. Define plagiarism.

    Plagiarism means passing off the work of someone else as your own.