Experiments: Types & Design (AQA A Level Psychology)



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  • Define lab experiment.

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  • Define lab experiment.

    A lab experiment is a type of research method in which the researcher can exert high levels of control over what happens as part of the experimental process.

  • Lab experiments use a         procedure to ensure      .

    Lab experiments use a standardised procedure to ensure reliability.

  • True or False?

    It is easier to establish a cause-effect relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable than for other methods used in psychology.


    It is easier to establish a cause-effect relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable than for other methods used in psychology.

    This is due to the use of controls and the objective nature of the research.

  • The use of artificial tasks means that lab experiments lack:

    a) reliabilty

    b) ecological validity

    c) falsifiability


    The use of artificial tasks means that lab experiments lack ecological validity.

  • Define field experiment.

    A field experiment is a research method which takes place in a natural setting, away from the lab.

  • True or False?

    Field experiments do not involve a researcher-implemented independent variable.


    Field experiments do involve a researcher-implemented independent variable.

  • Field experiments reduce the degree of artificiality experienced by the participants, which gives them good:

    a) external validity

    b) reliability

    c) ethics


    Field experiments reduce the degree of artificiality experienced by the participants, which gives them good external validity.

  • It is difficult to replicate field experiments, which in turn reduces the ability to check for      .

    It is difficult to replicate field experiments, which in turn reduces the ability to check for reliability.

  • Define natural experiment.

    A natural experiment consists of research into naturally occurring phenomena.

    The independent variable is not manipulated by the researcher as it is pre-existing, e.g., comparing the difference in development between English and Romanian adoptees.

  • Which one of the following is not an example of a natural experiment?

    a) The experience of living in a war zone

    b) The experience of suffering from a specific mental illness

    c) The experience of recalling a list of digits whilst loud music is playing


    The experience of recalling a list of digits whilst loud music is playing is not an example of a natural experiment.

  • Natural experiments allow the researcher to investigate topics that would otherwise be      to study using a traditional lab experiment.

    Natural experiments allow the researcher to investigate topics that would otherwise be unethical to study using a traditional lab experiment.

  • Natural experiments lack reliability because:

    a) the researcher cannot be sure whether the event actually happened

    b) the researcher cannot be sure as to what effect the phenomenon has had on the participants - they have to rely on the accounts of the participants

    c) the researcher may bias the proceedings


    Natural experiments lack reliability because the researcher cannot be sure as to what effect the phenomenon has had on the participants - they have to rely on the accounts of the participants.

  • Define quasi experiment.

    A quasi experiment consists of research into naturally occurring phenomena where random allocation to conditions is not possible.

    The independent variable is not manipulated by the researcher, as it is a pre-existing characteristic of the individual, e.g., comparing the difference in reading ability between children with blue eyes and brown eyes.

  • Which one of the following is not an example of a quasi experiment?

    a) The performance of males versus females

    b) The performance of teachers versus office workers

    c) The performance of people aged 20 versus those aged 60

    d) The performance of people who memorise words with music playing versus people who memorise words with no music playing


    The performance of people who memorise words with music playing versus people who memorise words with no music playing is not a quasi experiment.

  • True or False?

    Quasi experiments are nothing like lab experiments.


    Quasi experiments can be run in the same way as a 'true' lab experiment.

    The independent variable is not manipulated by the researcher as it would be in a 'true' lab experiment.

  • Due to the quasi experiment's lack of manipulation of the independent variable the results could be said to be higher in:

    a) reliability

    b) external validity

    c) objectivity


    Due to the quasi experiment's lack of manipulation of the independent variable the results could be said to be higher in external validity.

  • As participants cannot be      allocated to conditions in a quasi experiment this can lead to       variables, making it difficult to determine causality.

    As participants cannot be randomly allocated to condition in a quasi experiment this can lead to participant variables, making it difficult to determine causality.

  • What is an independent groups design?

    An independent groups design is where participants only experience one condition of the independent variable.

  • Independent groups design generates:

    a) related data

    b) matched data

    c) unrelated data


    Independent groups design generates unrelated data

    Unrelated refers to the fact that two separate groups are used so that each group generates its own data set.

  • Random allocation to condition is done to avoid      bias.  

    Random allocation to condition is done to avoid researcher bias.  

  • A strength of independent groups design is that demand         are unlikely to act as a        variable.

    A strength of independent groups design is that demand characteristics are unlikely to act as a confounding variable.

  • True or False?

    A limitation of independent groups design is that participant variables may affect the validity of the findings.


    A limitation of independent groups design is that participant variables may affect the validity of the findings.

    This can happen if more participants with a particular characteristic (e.g., a good memory) are all randomly allocated to one condition.

  • What is a repeated measures design?

    A repeated measures design is where participants experience all conditions of the independent variable (e.g., the experimental condition and the control condition).

  • Repeated measures design generates:

    a) related data

    b) matched data

    c) unrelated data


    Repeated measures design generates related data.

    Related refers to the fact that each participant's score for condition 1 is compared to their score for condition 2.

  • A limitation of a repeated measures design is order effects, which consist of:

    a) fatigue, practice, and boredom

    b) fatigue, anxiety, and depression

    c) fatigue, anger, and aggression


    A limitation of a repeated measures design is order effects, which consist of fatigue, practice, and boredom.

  • To control for order effects researchers use counterbalancing. How is counterbalancing implemented?

    Counterbalancing is implemented by having half of the participants experience condition 1 followed by condition 2 and vice versa for the other half of the participants.

  • What is a matched pairs design?

    A matched pairs design is one in which participants are matched based on a specific characteristic or variable that is important for the research they are taking part in.

  • Matched pairs design generates:

    a) related data

    b) matched data

    c) unrelated data


    As each participant is related to their counterpart per pair, this design generates related data.

  • Matched pairs design controls for individual       as a confounding variable, which is a strength as it increases     .

    Matched pairs design controls for individual differences as a confounding variable, which is a strength as it increases reliability.

  • True or False?

    Matching participants is a difficult and time-consuming process.


    Matching is a difficult and time-consuming process

    It is often impossible to match the participants across all of the criteria, especially when the unmatched characteristic could be important to the results of the research.

  • If one participant drops out of a matched pairs study, then the researcher has to find someone very similar to replace them, which has economic implications because:

    a) the participants have to be paid well for their time

    b) the researcher could be fined for time-wasting

    c) funding for the research could be removed


    If one participant drops out of a matched pairs study then the researcher has to find someone very similar to replace them which has economic implications because funding could be removed.