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What is meant by measures of central tendency?
Measures of central tendency refer to any statistic that gives an indication of the average or midway value in a data set.
What does the mean indicate?
a) what a researcher would expect to find if they were to replicate the procedure of a given study
b) how close the scores are clustered around the average
c) the variability of performance per condition
The mean indicates what a researcher would expect to find if they were to replicate the procedure of a given study.
The mean is more likely than other measures of central tendency to provide a score.
The mean is more likely than other measures of central tendency to provide a representative score.
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What is meant by measures of central tendency?
Measures of central tendency refer to any statistic that gives an indication of the average or midway value in a data set.
What does the mean indicate?
a) what a researcher would expect to find if they were to replicate the procedure of a given study
b) how close the scores are clustered around the average
c) the variability of performance per condition
The mean indicates what a researcher would expect to find if they were to replicate the procedure of a given study.
The mean is more likely than other measures of central tendency to provide a score.
The mean is more likely than other measures of central tendency to provide a representative score.
True or False?
The mean can still be used with a data set which includes extreme scores (outliers).
The mean can not be used with all data sets as it is sensitive to extreme scores (outliers).
What does the median calculate?
The median calculates the middle value of a data set (the positional average).
How is the median calculated if there are two middle values?
If there are two middles values the median is calculated by adding the two middle values and dividing the total by 2.
True or False?
The median is the best measure of central tendency when dealing with qualitative data.
The median is the best measure of central tendency when dealing with qualitative data.
This is appropriate where ranking of categories or themes is used instead of measurement or counting.
The median is not a representative average as:
a) it only shows frequency of scores
b) it cannot cope with outliers
c) it does not include all of the data in its calculations
The median is not a representative average as it does not include all of the data in its calculations.
What does the mode calculate?
The mode calculates the most frequently occurring score in a data set.
Which one of the following is not a feature of the mode?
a) some data sets may have no mode
b) some data sets may have two or more modes
c) some data sets may have strange modes
Some data sets may have strange modes is not a feature of the mode.
True or False?
A strength of the mode is that it is not affected by extreme values (outliers).
A strength of the mode is that it is not affected by extreme values (outliers).
A data set may include two modes which blurs the meaning of the data, making it difficult for the researcher to form .
A data set may include two modes which blurs the meaning of the data, making it difficult for the researcher to form conclusions.
What are measures of dispersion?
Measures of dispersion calculate the spread of scores in terms of how distant they are from the mean or median.
The range describes the difference between the and the scores in a data set.
The range describes the difference between the lowest and the highest scores in a data set.
True or False?
A strength of the range is that it is simple and easy to calculate.
A strength of the range is that it is simple and easy to calculate.
The range provides no information as to all of the other scores in the data set which means that it lacks:
a) reliability
b) validity
c) objectivity
The range provides no information as to all of the other scores in the data set which means that it lacks validity.
This is because it does not indicate the degree of variation from the mean.
What is standard deviation?
Standard deviation calculates how a set of scores deviates from the mean.
It provides insight into how clustered or spread out the scores are from the mean.
A low standard deviation indicates that the scores are clustered tightly around the , which indicates the of the data set.
A low standard deviation indicates that the scores are clustered tightly around the mean, which indicates the reliability of the data set.
True or False?
A strength of standard deviation is that it is not skewed by outliers
A limitation of standard deviation is that it is skewed by outliers.
Standard deviation provides information as to how the scores are:
a) distributed across a data set
b) calculated accurately
c) different to the scores from a previous test
Standard deviation provides information as to how the scores are distributed across a data set.
This is a strength as it can indicate to what extent the data set is reliable and consistent.