Learning Approaches: the Behaviourist Approach (AQA A Level Psychology)



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Cards in this collection (22)

  • Which one of the following is not an assumption of the behaviourist approach?

    a) Inferences can be made about cognitive processes

    b) Everyone is born as a 'blank slate'

    c) Only observable behaviour can be measured

    d) All behaviour is learned from the environment

    e) Animal research may be used as a basis for understanding human behaviour


    Inferences can be made about cognitive processes is not an assumption of the behaviourist approach.

    This is an assumption of the cognitive approach.

  • True or False?

    An assumption of the behaviourist approach is that lab-based, scientific methods are the only way that behaviour can be studied.


    An assumption of the behaviourist approach is that lab-based, scientific methods are the only way that behaviour can be studied.

  • Classical conditioning is learning via:

    a) consequences

    b) association

    c) reward


    Classical conditioning is learning via association.

  • True or False?

    Food is generally a conditioned stimulus


    Food is an unconditioned stimulus as it is a natural, physiological reflex which does not have to be learned.

  • How is a conditioned response achieved in classical conditioning?

    a) A neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus

    b) An unconditioned stimulus is paired with a conditioned stimulus

    c) A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus


    A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response.

    E.g., the pairing of a bell tone (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus).

  • After some time the neutral stimulus must be paired with the stimulus again otherwise will occur.

    After some time the neutral stimulus must be paired with the unconditioned stimulus again otherwise extinction will occur.

    This is when the neutral stimulus fails to elicit the conditioned response.

  • True or False?

    Pavlov's experiments with classical conditioning began when he noticed that the dogs in his lab began to salivate after they saw or smelt their food.


    Pavlov's experiments with classical conditioning began when he noticed that the dogs in his lab began to salivate before they saw or smelt their food.

    They began to salivate when they heard the footsteps of the lab assistants approaching (the dogs had learned that these footsteps = food).

  • In Pavlov's experiment, after repeated pairings of the bell and the food, the dog salivates when it the .

    In Pavlov's experiment, after repeated pairings of the bell and the food, the dog salivates when it hears the bell.

  • True or False?

    Behaviourism takes a nomothetic approach, which is a strength, as it seeks to establish general laws of behaviour that can be applied universally to all people.


    Behaviourism takes a nomothetic approach, which is a strength, as it seeks to establish general laws of behaviour that can be applied universally to all people.

    This is a strength because it enhances the scientific status of behaviourism.

  • A limitation of behaviourism is that:

    a) it is highly deterministic

    b) it takes the nurture side of the nature-nurture debate

    c) it relies on qualitative data


    A limitation of behaviourism is that it is highly deterministic (environmental determinism).

    The assumption is that people are controlled by environmental forces and have little autonomy over their destiny i.e. an absence of free will.

  • A limitation of Pavlov's research is that animal behaviour cannot be:

    a) studied reliably

    b) generalised to humans

    c) ethical


    A limitation of Pavlov's research is that animal behaviour cannot be generalised to humans.

  • True or False?

    Classical conditioning can be researched using a testable hypothesis.


    Classical conditioning can be researched using a testable hypothesis.

    Hypothesis testing takes place in controlled conditions using standardised, replicable procedures.

  • Operant conditioning is learning via:

    a) consequences

    b) association

    c) stimulation


    Operant conditioning is learning via consequences.

  • Which one of the following is not an assumption of operant conditioning?

    a) Behaviour will be repeated if the consequence brings a reward

    b) Behaviour will be repeated to avoid a negative consequence

    c) Behaviour will not be repeated to avoid a negative consequence

    d) Behaviour will be repeated in response to a conditioned stimulus


    Behaviour will be repeated in response to a conditioned stimulus is not an assumption of operant conditioning.

  • One example of negative reinforcement is:

    a) riding a roller-coaster again to repeat the excitement of the experience

    b) completing homework to avoid detention

    c) pretending to forget homework that was set by the teacher


    Completing homework to avoid detention is an example of negative reinforcement.

  • The consequence of a performed behaviour is known as the .

    The consequence of a performed behaviour is known as the reinforcer.

    E.g., praise from a teacher is a positive reinforcer; a detention is a negative reinforcer.

  • Which one of the following is not a type of operant identified by Skinner?

    a) Punishers

    b) Neutral operants

    c) Equalisers

    d) Reinforcers


    Equalisers is not a type of operant identified by Skinner.

  • True or False?

    A neutral operant is an environmental force that may either increase or decrease the repetition of a specific behaviour.


    A neutral operant is an environmental force that neither increases nor decreases the repetition of a specific behaviour.

  • A Skinner box contained different stimuli, including a lever that released (the rat's reward) and an electroplated floor (the rat's ).

    A Skinner box contained different stimuli, including a lever that released food (the rat's reward) and an electroplated floor (the rat's punishment).

  • In the negative reinforcement conditioning phase of the Skinner box the rat learned to:

    a) trigger the lever immediately as soon as they were placed in the box

    b) leap into the air to avoid the electric shock

    c) press the lever to release food


    In the negative reinforcement conditioning phase of the Skinner box the rat learned to trigger the lever immediately as soon as they were placed in the box.

    The consequence/reward of escaping the electric shock saw them repeating the action over and over again.

  • Operant conditioning has good application to the maintenance of:

    a) drug addiction

    b) phobias

    c) OCD


    Operant conditioning has good application to the maintenance of phobias.

    The use of avoidance is an example of negative reinforcement, e.g., avoiding foreign travel in the case of aerophobia (fear of flying).

  • A limitation of Skinner's research is that it is overly:

    a) simplistic

    b) complicated

    c) biological


    A limitation of Skinner's research is that is overly simplistic (environmental reductionism).

    Humans are much more complex and sophisticated than animals and operate at a higher cognitive level.