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True or False?
The participant was assigned the role of 'Teacher' in Milgram's study.
The participant was assigned the role of 'Teacher' in Milgram's study.
One of Milgram's confederates was assigned the role of 'Learner'.
The state is made possible by the presence of a authority figure who has the status to issue demands or orders.
The agentic state is made possible by the presence of a legitimate authority figure who has the status/position to issue demands or orders.
For an authority figure to have legitimate authority, it is necessary to some extent for social to exist.
For an authority figure to have legitimate authority, it is necessary to some extent for social hierarchies to exist.
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True or False?
The participant was assigned the role of 'Teacher' in Milgram's study.
The participant was assigned the role of 'Teacher' in Milgram's study.
One of Milgram's confederates was assigned the role of 'Learner'.
The state is made possible by the presence of a authority figure who has the status to issue demands or orders.
The agentic state is made possible by the presence of a legitimate authority figure who has the status/position to issue demands or orders.
For an authority figure to have legitimate authority, it is necessary to some extent for social to exist.
For an authority figure to have legitimate authority, it is necessary to some extent for social hierarchies to exist.
True or False?
A binding factor means that aspects of a situation (e.g. the presence of a legitimate authority) allow the person to ignore or minimise the damaging effect of their behaviour.
A binding factor means that aspects of a situation (e.g. the presence of a legitimate authority) allow the person to ignore or minimise the damaging effect of their behaviour.
Allowing someone else take charge of a situation is preferable for many people as it reduces:
a) the memory of the event
b) cognitive load
c) cortisol levels
Allowing someone else take charge of a situation is preferable for many people as it reduces cognitive load.
Reducing cognitive load frees up someone's time (and mental effort), allowing them to get on with more enjoyable (or mundane) tasks.
True or False?
When an individual is in an agentic state they feel responsible for their actions.
When an individual is in an agentic state they feel removed from their actions.
Research by Bickman (1974) showed that:
a) People are more likely to obey someone dressed as a security guard than when they are dressed as a milkman, or in plain clothes
b) Uniform has no effect on obedience
c) People are more likely to obey others if they have an authoritarian personality
Research by Bickman (1974) shows that people are more likely to obey someone dressed as a security guard than when they are dressed as a milkman, or in plain clothes.
A uniform shows authority, even when it is not a police uniform.
Examples of acting in agentic state to an authority figure can be seen in acts of cruelty throughout history, making this explanation high in:
a) ecological validity
b) temporal validity
c) external validity
Examples of acting in agentic state to an authority figure can be seen in acts of atrocity throughout history, making this explanation high in external validity.
True or False?
The agentic state explanation only offers a situational explanation of obedience, which is a limitation.
The agentic state explanation only offers a situational explanation of obedience, which is a limitation.
Agentic state cannot explain why some people do not obey, even when they would be justified in blaming someone else for their actions which is a dispositional explanation.
What did Blass & Schmitt (2001) find when they showed a film of Milgram's study to participants?
Blass & Schmitt (2001) found the participants blamed the experimenter, stating that the experimenter was the legitimate authority and therefore to blame in the situation.
Both of the agentic state and legitimacy of authority explanations for obedience are:
a) reductionist
b) holistic
c) deterministic
Both the agentic state and legitimacy of authority explanations for obedience are deterministic.
They imply that those who commit acts of destructive obedience have no control over their actions, therefore no free will.
What was Milgram's initial hypothesis?
Milgram's initial hypothesis was that Germans must be different to all other nations due to their involvement in the Holocaust.
This is known as a dispositional hypothesis.
Milgram's experiment was initially designed as a pilot study.
Define a pilot study.
A pilot study is a small-scale trial of a proposed study in order to test the effectiveness of the procedure and to identify where improvements are needed.
What were the intervals on Milgram's shock generator?
a) Intervals of 15 volts
b) Intervals of 20 volts
c) Intervals of 450 volts
Milgram's shock generator had intervals of 15 volts.
This was one of the ways in which it was easy for participants to harm the Learner as the shocks increased gradually.
How did the experimenter contribute to the participant delivering the increasing levels of electric shocks to the Learner?
The experimenter provided prompts if the Teacher (participant) seemed reluctant to go any further with the procedure.
An example of a prompt is, 'The experiment requires that you continue'.
How many participants went up to the full 450 volts?
a) 23%
b) 65%
c) 100%
65% of participants went up to 450 volts (labelled 'Extreme Shock XXX' on the generator).
100% of participants went up to 300 volts.
Which one of the following did Milgram not identify as a binding factor which contributed to the participants’ high levels of obedience:
a) The experiment took place at high-status Yale University
b) The participants had volunteered to take part and had been paid a small sum for doing so
c) The personality of the participants who went to 450 volts
The personality of the participants who went to 450 volts is not a binding factor.
The results show that destructive obedience is not a result of nationality or personal factors but is instead made possible by specific situational factors.
How does Hofling et al.'s (1966) field study involving nurses support Milgram's findings?
Hofling's study supports Milgram's findings as almost all of the nurses obeyed a doctor to administer a higher drug dose than recommended.
This reinforces the idea that harmful acts can be committed in the presence of a legitimate authority.
Milgram's study has been accused of lacking:
a) a standardised procedure
b) internal validity
c) external validity
Milgram's study has been accused of lacking internal validity.
Participants may have realised that the shocks were fake so they were simply 'playing along' rather than genuinely believing that they were administering real shocks.
True or False?
Milgram's study has many ethical issues.
The study has many ethical issues:
Participants were deceived as to the true nature of the study
The physical and psychological harm inflicted on the participants
Right to withdraw was not explicitly given - the experimenter's prompts made it difficult to leave the study
What is meant by proximity?
Proximity refers to how close to/far away someone or something is.
In the proximity variation Milgram wanted to explore the idea that obedience as proximity (and vice versa).
In the proximity variation Milgram wanted to explore the idea that obedience decreases as proximity increases (and vice versa).
In Milgram's study, when the Teacher and the Learner were in the same room, obedience dropped from 65% to:
a) 58%
b) 40%
c) 30%
In Milgram's study, when the Teacher and the Learner were in the same room, obedience dropped from 65% to 40%.
Obedience was measured as the number of participants who went to 450 volts.
Research by Bickman (1974) showed that people were more likely to obey a confederate dressed as a security guard than a or a man in plain clothes.
Research by Bickman (1974) showed that people were more likely to obey a confederate dressed as a security guard than a milkman or a man in plain clothes.
True or False?
Obedience towards authority figures has nothing to do with culture.
Obedience towards authority figures is something that is culturally transmitted.
Most cultures instil respect for authority/status which is learned from childhood.
How does the location of Yale university in Milgram's original study act as a binding factor?
Yale University is a highly prestigious college with a reputation for excellence which makes it a binding factor in Milgram's study.
Yale University has high status and prestige i.e. participants were 'helping science', making obedience more likely.
In the 'location' variation, Milgram ran the study in:
a) a run-down building
b) a bowling alley
c) a cabin in the woods
In the 'location' variation Milgram ran the study in a run-down building.
Participants were told the experiment was being run by a Research Association, no mention was made of Yale university.
In Milgram's proximity variable, the Teacher had to place the Learner's hand on the shock plate which affects the study's:
a) reliability
b) validity
c) generalisability
In Milgram's proximity variable, the Teacher had to place the Learner's hand on the shock plate which affects the study's validity.
The Learner would have had to fake their pain convincingly, meaning that the participants may have doubted how genuine the shocks were.
True or False?
A strength of Bickman's study (the effect of a uniform on obedience) was that it used naive participants.
A strength of Bickman's study (the effect of a uniform on obedience) was that it used naive participants.
This means that it has high ecological validity due to the participants' lack of awareness of their participation in the study.
Milgram stuck to the same standardised procedure in all of the variations which means that the results are easy to compare to check for:
a) reliability
b) validity
c) ethics
Milgram stuck to the same standardised procedure in all of the variations which means that the results are easy to compare to check for reliability.
True or False?
Milgram's conclusion that situational variables explain obedience could be used as an excuse to justify acts of cruelty.
Milgram's conclusion that situational variables explain obedience could be used as an excuse to justify acts of cruelty.
Acts of cruelty or brutality could be excused as 'the situation made me do it'.
What is a dispositional explanation of obedience based on?
A dispositional explanation of obedience is one which is based on the characteristics of an individual, e.g. personality traits.
Which side of the nature-nurture debate does Adorno's theory of the authoritarian personality fall under?
Adorno's theory falls under the nurture side of the debate as it claims that personality develops as a result of childhood experiences rather than being inherited.
Which one of the following is not a characteristic of people with an authoritarian personality?
a) They are more obedient than other people
b) They respect social hierarchies and authority figures
c) They are flexible in their opinions and see the world in a relaxed, open-minded way
They are flexible in their opinions and see the world in a relaxed, open-minded way.
People with an authoritarian personality are ‘black and white’ in their opinions and see the world in a rigid, inflexible way.
True or False?
More than 2,000 middle-class white Americans completed the F-scale.
More than 2,000 middle-class white Americans completed the F-scale.
The sample used in Adorono's F-scale research is problematic because:
a) it is too small
b) it shows sample bias
c) it only used people who have with an authoritarian personality
The sample used in Adorono's F-scale research is problematic because it shows sample bias.
The sample demographic did not represent all racial and ethnic groups in the USA at the time.
Adorno suggested that the authoritarian personality forms during as a result of having parents who do not allow or encourage will in their children.
Adorno suggested that the authoritarian personality forms during childhood as a result of having strict parents who do not allow or encourage free will in their children.
True or False.
Adorno’s F-scale questionnaire is replicable.
Adorno’s F-scale questionnaire is replicable as it uses standardised questions i.e. all participants answer the same questions which can be used repeatedly with other samples.
How could Adorno's F-scale be tested for reliability?
Adorno's F-scale could be tested for reliability using the test-retest method: the same participants answer the same questions at a later date, then their responses are correlated in terms of how consistent they are from one test to the other.
Elms & Milgram (1966) included open questions in their research on the authoritarian personality. Why is this a strength?
Elms & Milgram (1966) included open questions in their research on the authoritarian personality which is a strength because it allows participants to answer freely, thus increasing validity.
Adorno's theory is overly simplistic which means that it is both (select two):
a) deterministic
b) holistic
c) reductionist
d) culture biased
e) androcentric
a and c.
Adorno's theory is overly simplistic which means that it is both deterministic and reductionist.
The theory reduces a complex variable (personality) to a score on a scale (reductionist).
The theory determines that if you possess specific personality traits then you will be obedient, regardless of the situation (deterministic).