A long wooden cylinder is placed into a liquid and it floats as shown.

The length of the cylinder below the liquid level is 15 cm.
i) State Archimedes’ principle.
ii) The pressure exerted by the liquid alone on the bottom of the cylinder is 1.9 × 103 Pa.
Calculate the density ρ of the liquid.
ρ = .............................................. kg m–3 [2]
The cylinder is pushed down into the liquid and then allowed to oscillate freely. The graph of displacement x against time t is shown below.

The cylinder oscillates with simple harmonic motion with frequency of 1.4 Hz.
i) Calculate the displacement, in cm, at time t = 0.60 s.
displacement = .................................... cm [3]
ii) Calculate the maximum speed of the oscillating cylinder.
maximum speed = .................................... m s–1 [2]
iii) The cylinder is now pushed down further into the liquid before being released.
As before, the cylinder oscillates with simple harmonic motion.
State the effect this has on
1 the amplitude
2 the period.
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