Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2020

Last exams 2024


Ideal Gas Law (CIE A Level Physics)

Topic Questions

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2 marks

Define the mole.

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1 mark

It is possible to calculate the number of moles, n using the number of molecules and Avogadro's constant. 

Identify by placing a tick () in the box next to the correct arrangement of this equation.
Possible equations Place a tick () here to identify the correct equation
n space equals space N subscript A over N  
n space equals space N over N subscript A  
n space N space equals space N subscript A  
n space equals space N space N subscript A  
Sme Calculator
2 marks

Define the Avogadro constant.

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2 marks

The molar mass equation is shown below.

 n space equals space m over M subscript r

State the meaning of the quantities and Mr.

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1 mark

All Ideal gasses obey a relation.

Identify by placing a tick () next to the correct relation.
Possible Ideal Gasses Relations Place a tick () here to identify the correct relation
V space proportional to space T  
P space proportional to space T  
P space proportional to space 1 over V  
p V space proportional to space T  
Sme Calculator
3 marks

Identify by drawing lines between the name of each gas relation and the name.

Relation   Name of Relation


P subscript 1 over T subscript 1 space equals space P subscript 2 over T subscript 2

  Boyle's Law


V subscript 1 over T subscript 1 space equals space V subscript 2 over T subscript 2

  Pressure Law


P subscript 1 V subscript 1 space equals space P subscript 2 V subscript 2

  Charles's Law


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4 marks

The following sentences describe the behaviour of an ideal gas.

Identify, by drawing a circle around, the correct word from each pair.
The molecules in a gas move around randomly / in sequence at high speeds
The temperature of the gas is related to the space between / average speed of the particles
Force is the rate of change of momentum / pressure
Pressure is increased / decreased if the container of the gas is reduced when the temperature remains constant.
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4 marks

An ideal gas is in a container of volume 0.005 m3. The gas is at a temperature of 10°C and a pressure of 4 × 105 Pa.

Calculate the pressure of the ideal gas in the same container when it is heated to 30 °C.

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2 marks

There are two ideal gas equations.

Identify by placing a tick () next to the two correct equations.
Possible Ideal Gas Equations Place a tick () here to indicate the ideal gas equations

p V space equals space n R T



P space proportional to space 1 over V



p V space equals space n k T



n space equals space N over N subscript A


Sme Calculator
2 marks

Define an ideal gas.

3c2 marks

This question is about the Boltzmann constant. 

State the equation that defines the Boltzmann constant in terms of the molar gas constant and Avogadro's constant
Use the data booklet to obtain a value for the Boltzmann constant.
Sme Calculator
3 marks

A cylinder used for scuba diving contains an ideal gas with a volume of 2 × 103 m3. The gas is at a temperature of 10°C and a pressure of 4 × 102 Pa. 

Calculate the amount of gas in the cylinder, in moles.

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2 marks

The ideal gas equation in terms of the number of molecules, N is written as 

space p V space equals space n R T

where k is the Boltzmann constant.

Show that the ideal gas equation can also be written as

space p V space equals space N k T

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3 marks

A cylinder for an ideal gas has a radius of 120 mm and a height of 1350 mm. The gas is at a temperature of 14 °C and a pressure of 1.7 × 107 Pa.


Show that the amount of gas in the cylinder is 430 mol.

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3 marks

The gas leaks slowly from the cylinder at an average rate of 8.3 × 1015 atoms s–1 so that, after a time of 51 days, the pressure reduces. The temperature remains constant.  

Calculate the percentage of the number of moles lost from the cylinder.

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2 marks

Calculate the number of molecules in a gas containing 120 g of straight O presubscript 8 presuperscript 16

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3 marks

A different ideal gas has an initial volume of 6.00 × 104 m3 at a pressure of 1.42 × 105 Pa and a temperature of 8 °C 

It is heated at a constant volume so that, in its final state, the pressure is 1.70 × 105 m3 at a temperature of 63 °C. 

Show that these two states prove it behaves as an ideal gas.

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3 marks

Atoms of a real gas each have a diameter of 0.12 nm. 

Estimate an accurate value for the volume occupied by 0.54 moles of this gas.

volume = ........................... m3

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3 marks

Explain the differences in the volumes of the atoms in part (band part (c).

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4 marks
State what is meant by an ideal gas.
Sketch a graph that represents the definition from part (i).
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3 marks

The air in a bicycle tire has a constant volume of 3.5 × 106 mm3. The pressure of 0.29 mol of the air is 2.0 × 105 Pa. The air may be considered to be an ideal gas. 

Calculate the temperature of the air in the tire.
temperature = .......................... °C 
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2 marks

The pressure of the tire is increased using a pump. On each stroke of the pump, 0.0045 mol of air is forced into the tire. 

Calculate the number of moles of air in the tire when the pressure increases to 2.7 × 105 Pa and the temperature increases by 10 °C.

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2 marks

Calculate the number of strokes of the pump required to increase the pressure to 2.7 × 105 Pa and the temperature by 10 °C.

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4a2 marks

State the Pressure law of ideal gases.

4b3 marks

The pressure exerted by an ideal gas of 8.4 × 1020 molecules in a container of volume 1.6 × 10–5 m3 is 3.2 × 105 Pa. 

Calculate the temperature of the gas in the container in ºC.

4c3 marks

The pressure of the gas is measured at different temperatures whilst the volume of the container and the mass of the gas remain constant. 


Fig 1.1

Draw a graph on the grid in Fig 1.1 to show how the pressure varies with the temperature.

4d3 marks

The container described in part (b) has a release valve that allows gas to escape when the pressure exceeds 4.0 × 105 Pa. 

Calculate the number of gas molecules that escape when the temperature of the gas is raised to 520 °C.

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5a2 marks

State two equations or laws which ideal gases obey.

5b5 marks

A car tyre of volume 4.2 × 10–2 m3 contains air at a pressure of 300 kPa and a temperature of 290 K. The mass of one mole of air is 3.1 × 10–2 kg. 

Assuming that the air behaves as an ideal gas, calculate: 

            (i)         The amount of moles of air. 


            (ii)        The mass of the air. 


            (iii)       The density of the air.


5c2 marks

A bicycle tyre with 0.47 moles of air has a volume of 1.90 × 10–3 m3 when the temperature is 252 K. 

Calculate the pressure inside the bicycle tyre.

5d3 marks

After the bicycle has been ridden, the temperature of the air in the tyre is 301 K. 

Calculate the new pressure in the tyre assuming the volume is unchanged.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

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3 marks

An airship floating high up in the Earth's atmosphere is kept in position due to the balance of weight and buoyancy forces.

At one point in the flight, the hydrogen gas has a temperature of 8 °C at a pressure of 4.2 × 105 Pa.

The mass of the hydrogen in the ship is 1224 kg.



The atomic mass of hydrogen is 1.00794 g mol−1.  

Calculate the density of the hydrogen gas in the airship.

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2 marks

Calculate the surface area of the inside surface of the airship at this same point in the flight.

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4 marks

An error with the airship causes it to fall vertically from stationary to the ground. The hydrogen inside has a specific heat capacity of 14.51 J kg1 K1. Due to the nature of the error the Physicists observe that the pressure, volume and specific heat capacity of the hydrogen within the airship remain constant but the temperature changes as it falls.  

The mass of the material in the airship is 7320 kg and it hits the ground with a velocity of 200 m s−1
Calculate the temperature of the hydrogen in the airship at the point just before it hits the ground. Give your answer to as many significant figures as required.
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6 marks
Explain what happened to the airship in part (c)
Explain why there has to be a problem with the data obtained from the airship's fall to Earth.

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3 marks

A cylinder of radius 2.5 cm and height 50 cm is fixed with an airtight piston containing an ideal gas of temperature 15 °C. Before the piston is pushed in the pressure is 2 × 104 Pa and the volume is 4 × 10−3 m3


The piston is compressed through a height of 20 cm as shown in Fig. 1.1.


Fig. 1.1

Calculate the change in pressure that takes place in the cylinder.

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4 marks

It takes 30 seconds to compress the piston in part (a). The cylinder is made of a material such that the surface area on the inside is the same as the surface area on the outside. Assume that each particle exerts an equal force on the sides of the cylinder. 

Calculate the change in momentum of the particles upon impact with the sides of the cylinder during the compression. 
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3 marks

When compressed the particles inside the cylinder have a density of 2.3 kg m−3

Calculate the root mean square speed (r.m.s.) of the particles inside the cylinder when it is compressed. 

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2 marks

A gas syringe is connected through a delivery tube to a conical flask which is immersed in a beaker of boiling water. The water is being heated by a constant bunsen burner flame as shown in Fig. 1.1. The syringe is frictionless so the gas pressure within the system remains equal to the atmospheric pressure 1.02 × 103 Pa. 


Fig 1.1

The total volume of the conical flask and delivery tube is 325 cm3, and after settling in the boiling water the gas syringe has a volume of 30 cm3.

 Calculate the total number of moles contained within the system.

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3 marks

The bunsen burner is turned off and the whole system is placed in a freezer. The conical flask is left to cool in the beaker of water which turns into ice.  

It takes 5 minutes for all the water to stop boiling and then 3 hours to cool until the point before the water turns to ice. It then takes a further 1.5 hours for all the water to turn into ice around the conical flask.  

Sketch, on Fig. 1.2, a graph to show this process.

Fig 1.2
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2 marks

The mass of the ice and the water in the beaker is 240 times the mass of the gas in the system. 

Calculate the root mean square speed (r.m.s.) of the particles in the system when the conical flask is surrounded by ice in the beaker in the freezer.  
  • Specific latent heat of vapourisation = 2160 kJ kg−1
  • Specific latent heat of fusion = 324 kJ kg−1
  • Specific heat capacity of water = 4084 J kg−1 °C−1

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