Linear Momentum & Conservation (AQA A Level Physics): Exam Questions

2 hours37 questions
1a2 marks

(i) Write an equation for the momentum of an object in words 

(ii) State the SI units of momentum.

1b3 marks

A railway carriage, C1, of mass 1100 kg is rolling along a horizontal track at a speed of 6 m s-1 towards a stationary carriage, C2, as shown in Figure 1.  Carriage C2 has a mass of  3 300 kg. 

Figure 1



(i) The initial momentum of carriage C1 before the collision 

(ii) The initial momentum of carriage C2 before the collision.

1c3 marks

At the moment of collision, both carriages C1 and C2, become joined. 

The joined carriages move off with a velocity, v, as shown in Figure 2.  

                                                                     Figure 2


Use your answers from part (b), and the conservation of momentum, to calculate the total momentum of C1 and C2 after they have become joined.

1d3 marks

Use your answer to part (c) to calculate the velocity, v, at which the carriages C1 and C2 move after becoming joined.

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2a3 marks

A film stuntman, of mass 85.0 kg, is being trained to jump off high objects.

In one scene he steps off a roof and falls vertically to the ground below. Just before he hits the ground he has a velocity of 9.08 m s-1.  After he has landed on the ground he remains at rest.

Calculate the momentum of the stuntman

(i) Just before he hits the ground

(ii) After he has landed.

2b2 marks

Using your answers to part (a), calculate the change of momentum of the stuntman during the landing.

2c2 marks

State the impulse experienced by the stuntman during landing. 

Give an appropriate unit with your answer.

2d3 marks

If the stuntman keeps his legs fully rigid, the time for the impact is 4.20 ms.  

Calculate the magnitude of the average resultant force acting on the stuntman’s legs during this time.

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3a2 marks

A bullet, of mass 20 g, leaves the barrel of a rifle with a momentum of 4.0 kg m s–1.

The rifle has a mass of 1.9 kg.

State the total momentum of the rifle and the bullet before the rifle is fired, and explain your answer.

3b3 marks

Calculate the velocity of the bullet just after the rifle is fired.

3c4 marks

Immediately after the rifle has been fired:

(i) Use the principle of conservation of momentum, and your answer to part (a), to state the total momentum of the rifle and the bullet

(ii) Calculate the recoil momentum of the rifle      

3d4 marks

The bullet has a momentum of 3.0 kg m s–1 just before it hits a target.  

It takes 2.5 ms for the bullet to the stopped by the target. 

Calculate the average force needed to stop the bullet.

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4a6 marks

Zorbing is an activity which involves a person running inside an inflatable ball, called a ‘zorb’.  Two zorbs, A and B, collide head on with each other, as shown in Figure 1.  The total mass of zorb A and its occupant is 75 kg and the total mass of zorb B and its occupant is 60 kg.  Before the collision, zorb A is travelling at 2.0 m s-1 and zorb B is travelling at 1.5 m s-1

Figure 1



(i) The momentum of zorb A before the collision    

(ii) The momentum of zorb B before the collision 

(iii) The total momentum of both zorbs before the collision. 

4b6 marks

After the collision both zorbs bounce off each other and move in opposite directions, as shown in Figure 2.  Zorb A travels at 0.8 m s–1 and zorb B travels at 2.0 m s–1

Figure 2



(i) The momentum of zorb A after the collision 

(ii) The momentum of zorb B after the collision 

(iii) The total momentum of both zorbs after the collision.

4c4 marks


(i) The total kinetic energy of the zorbs before the collision 

(ii) The total kinetic energy of the zorbs after the collision.

4d3 marks

State whether: 

 (i) Momentum is conserved during the collision of the zorbs 

(ii) Kinetic energy is conserved during the collision of the zorb

(iii) The collision of the zorbs is elastic or inelastic.

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5a3 marks

A collision can be described as elastic or inelastic. 

Complete Table 1 below by placing a ‘✓’ to show which quantities are conserved in each type of collision, provided there are no external forces acting

Table 1 


Elastic Collision

Inelastic Collision




Total Energy



Kinetic Energy



5b2 marks

During a safety test, a car or mass 1 250 kg travels at 0.5 m s–1 towards a wall. 

Calculate the momentum of the car before it collides with the wall.

5c3 marks

The car has a force sensor attached to the bumper which detects the force exerted on the front of the car.  The graph shown in Figure 1 shows the variation of force with time for the duration of the collision. 

Figure 1


Use the graph to show that the impulse of the collision is 625 N s.

5d2 marks

All cars are designed to with a crumple zone to protect passengers if they are involved in a collision. 

State how a crumple zone: 

 (i) affects the impact time of a collision

(ii) affects the force exerted on the car during a collision.

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1a1 mark

Figure 1 shows two railway trucks A and B travelling towards each other on the same railway line which is straight and horizontal.

Figure 1


The trucks are involved in an inelastic collision. They join when they collide and then move together. 

Truck A has a total mass of 27 000 kg and truck B has a total mass of 22 000 kg. 

Just before the collision, truck A was moving at a speed of 3.6 m s–1 and truck B was moving at a speed of 2.4 m s–1

State what is meant by an ‘inelastic collision’.

1b2 marks

Describe, without doing a calculation, how the motion of the trucks immediately after the collision would be different for a collision that is perfectly elastic.

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2a4 marks

Figure 1 shows how the momentum of two colliding railway trucks varies with time. Truck has a mass of 5.2 × 103 kg and truck has a mass of 6.7 × 103 kg. The trucks are travelling in the same direction. 

Figure 1


Show that momentum is conserved in this collision.

2b3 marks

Calculate the acceleration of truck B during the collision.

2c2 marks

Complete Table 1 to show the initial and final velocities and kinetic energies of the trucks. 

Table 1


Initial velocity / m s–1

Final velocity / m s–1

Initial kinetic energy / J

Final kinetic energy / J

truck A





truck B





2d2 marks

Using Table 1, explain whether the collision of the two trucks is an example of an elastic or inelastic collision.

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3a5 marks

Most cars manufactured in recent years have been fitted with crumple zones as a safety feature. 

Explain how crumple zones protect a driver from serious injury in a collision.

3b4 marks

Both cars A and B are now collided head on, without the drivers. Car A initially travels to the right with a velocity of 45 m s–1. After the crash, both car A and car B travel to the left with a velocity 41 m s–1. The mass of car A is 1200 kg and the mass of car B is 1500 kg.

Calculate the velocity of car B before the collision.

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1a3 marks

Figure 1 shows a jet engine.

Figure 1


Air enters the engine at A and is heated before leaving B at a much higher speed. 

By referring to the momentum of the air as it passes through the engine, explain using appropriate laws of motion, why the air exerts a force on the engine in the forward direction.

1b2 marks

In one second, a mass of 350 kg of air enters at A. The speed of this mass of air increases by 590 m s−1 as it passes through the engine.

Calculate the force that the air exerts on the engine.

1c4 marks

When an aircraft lands, its jet engines exert a decelerating force on the aircraft by making use of deflector plates. 

These cause the air leaving the engines to be deflected at an angle to the direction the aircraft is travelling as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2


The speed of the air leaving B is the same as the speed of the deflected air. 

Explain why the momentum of the air changes, and suggest why in practice the decelerating force provided by the deflector plates may not remain constant.

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2a3 marks

A stationary uranium nucleus decays by emitting an ɑ particle and thorium nucleus as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1


Discuss how the principle of conservation of momentum applies in this instance.

2b4 marks

Collisions can occur between neutrons and stationary Uranium nuclei, for example, during nuclear fission. 

Discuss how this collision would be if this was inelastic as opposed to elastic.

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3a5 marks

A popular demonstration of the conservation of momentum and conservation of energy is the  Newton’s cradle. 

It features several identical polished steel balls hung in a straight line in contact with each other. 

If one ball is pulled back and allowed to strike the line, one ball is released from the other end whilst the rest are stationary. If two are pulled out, two are released on the other end and so forth as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1


Explain, with energy and momentum considerations, why swinging one ball from the left will not release two balls on the right. 

Assume the Newton’s cradle is in a vacuum.

3b5 marks

The speed of an air rifle pellet is measured by firing it into a wooden block suspended from a rigid support. 

The wooden block can swing freely at the end of a light inextensible string of length 2.0 m measured from the pivot to the centre of the block, as shown in Figure 2 below. 

Figure 2


A pellet of mass 2.81 g strikes a stationary wooden block and is completely embedded in it. The centre of mass of the block rises by h at an angle of 35º to the vertical. The wooden block has a mass of 520 g. 

Determine the speed of the pellet when it strikes the wooden block.

3c5 marks

The wooden block is replaced by a steel block of the same mass. The experiment is repeated with the steel block and an identical pellet. The pellet rebounds after striking the block. 

A student makes an assumption that the angle that the steel block makes with the vertical will be greater than 35º because the block doesn’t have the additional mass of the pellet embedded within it. 

Discuss the validity of the student’s assumption.

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