The following equation for decay of Uranium – 235 (
) into an isotope of Neptunium (Np).

Complete the missing values in the decay equation.
Table 1 shows the two of the four fundamental interactions and their corresponding exchange particles.
Table 1
Fundamental Interaction | Exchange particle |
| Photon |
Weak Nuclear Force |
(i) Complete the table by filling in the missing information in each column
(ii) State two more fundamental interactions
State the property that all particles must possess if they experience the electromagnetic interaction.
Figure 1 shows a Feynman diagram for an electromagnetic interaction between two electrons.

There is a space provided in Figure 1 is where the exchange particle for this interaction is missing.
(i) Complete Figure 1 by writing the symbol of the exchange particle for this interaction in the space provided.
(ii) Describe what the Feynman diagram is showing.
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