Atomic Structure & Decay Equations (AQA A Level Physics): Exam Questions

3 hours44 questions
1a3 marks

A student is designing revision material for the atomic structure. 

They design a table, as shown in Table 1 below, which shows the properties of the particles than make up an atom:

 Table 1


Charge / C

Relative Charge

Relative Mass






+1.60 × 10–19







 Some of the information in Table 1 is missing.

Complete the missing information in Table 1

1b2 marks

The student wonders how to come up with an explanation for the term ‘neutral atom’.

By referring to the number of electrons and protons, explain what is meant by the term ‘neutral atom’. 

1c2 marks

To show an example of isotope notation, the student inserts an image of the element nitrogen into their revision notes, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1


Use Figure 1 to determine the number of neutrons in nitrogen.

1d2 marks

The student wishes to design a section on isotopes. They draw another image, as shown in Figure 2:


Complete Figure 2 to show a possible isotope of nitrogen, by filling in the missing information.

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2a1 mark

The four fundamental forces of nature have important roles to play in atomic physics.

Identify the force that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. 

2b2 marks

By referring to the interaction between protons, explain why a force is required to hold nucleons together in the nucleus.

2c2 marks

The variation of the strong nuclear force with nucleon separation can be plotted, as shown in Figure 1 below:                      

Figure 1



In some parts of the graph, the force between nucleons is positive, and in other parts, the force between nucleons is negative.

Explain the meaning behind the force being sometimes positive and sometimes negative between nucleons. 

2d3 marks

The force of gravity is often ignored when discussing atomic interactions.

With reference to a property of subatomic particles, explain why the gravitational force is negligible in the context of atomic interactions.

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3a3 marks

Alpha decay is a process by which large, unstable nuclei become stable by emitting ionising radiation. 

Figure 1 shows two nuclei, X and Y.

Figure 1


State and explain which nucleus is more likely to be unstable.

3b2 marks

Nucleus Z has 50 protons and 57 neutrons.

Write an expression for nucleus Z using isotope notation.

3c3 marks

Nucleus Y can be expressed using isotope notation as straight Y presubscript 12 presuperscript 25

It undergoes alpha decay, forming nucleus Q in the process. As a decay equation, this can be written as:

straight Y presubscript 12 presuperscript 25 space rightwards arrow space straight Q presubscript... end presubscript presuperscript 21 space plus space alpha presubscript... end presubscript presuperscript... end presuperscript

Complete the missing information in the decay equation.

3d2 marks

Beta decay is another process by which nuclei can attain stability.

Compare alpha and beta decay by giving one similarity and one difference.

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4a3 marks

The alpha particle is a helium nucleus, made up of two protons and two neutrons.

Calculate the specific charge of an alpha particle.        

4b1 mark

Protons and neutrons have antiparticles, called antiprotons and antineutrons respectively.

State the name for the antiparticle of the electron.

4c2 marks

An ‘anti-alpha’ particle would comprise of two antiprotons and two antineutrons.

Without calculation, state and explain what the specific charge of an ‘anti-alpha’ particle.       

4d2 marks

Describe what would happen if an alpha particle were to collide with an ‘anti-alpha’ particle. 

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5a1 mark

A simplified model of pair production involves a single γ photon producing a particle x and antiparticle x with bar on top pair, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1


State an example of a particle and antiparticle pair.

5b3 marks

The rest mass energy of a proton is 938 MeV.

Calculate the minimum energy, in joules, a photon would need in order to produce a proton and its antiparticle.

5c2 marks

Explain why it is more likely that photons in the gamma region of the electromagnetic spectrum will spontaneously create particle-antiparticle pairs.

5d2 marks

Sometimes, the particle-antiparticle pair recombine and annihilate, resulting in two gamma-ray photons radiating energy away from the interaction.

State and explain the direction of motion of the two photons following an annihilation.

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1a2 marks

State what is meant by the specific charge of a nucleus and give an appropriate unit for this quantity.

1b2 marks

The nucleus of a particular atom has a nucleon number of 15 and a proton number of 7.

Calculate the specific charge of the nucleus. Use values on the data sheet to help you.  

1c3 marks

Another nucleus P has the same nucleon number as nucleus Q. The specific charge of P is 1.5 times greater than that of Q.

Explain, in terms of proton number and nucleon number, why the specific charge of P is greater than that of Q.

1d3 marks

Nucleus P is S presubscript 21 presuperscript 45 c.

Deduce the number of proton and the number of neutrons in nucleus Q

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2a2 marks

Under certain circumstances, it is possible for a pair of gamma ray photons to be created from a collision of an electron and positron.

State what this process is called and give one example of its application.

2b3 marks

Compare the mass, charge and rest mass energy of an electron and a positron. 

2c3 marks

Calculate the minimum energy of each gamma ray photon in joules.

2d2 marks

Calculate the wavelength of the gamma ray photons.

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3a2 marks

Describe the role of the strong nuclear force in keeping the nucleus stable.  

3b3 marks

Describe how the strong nuclear force between a pair of nucleons varies with the separation of the nucleons, quoting appropriate values for separation.  

3c3 marks

An unstable nucleus plutonium 239 (P presubscript 94 presuperscript 239 u) decays into an isotope of Uranium, U, by emitting an alpha particle.

Write an equation for the decay of the nucleus and determine the proton and nucleon number of U.

3d3 marks

The α particle is emitted from a stationary P presubscript 94 presuperscript 239 u  nucleus at a speed of 4.5 × 106 m s–1.

Calculate the recoil speed of the daughter nucleus.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

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4a2 marks

Explain the process of pair production.

4b3 marks

Muons and antimuons are heavier versions of the electron and positron.

Calculate the minimum energy of the gamma-ray photon required to create a muon-antimuon pair in joules.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

4c4 marks

Calculate the frequency and wavelength of the gamma ray photon required to create a muon-antimuon pair.  

4d3 marks

A photon of a slightly lower frequency than that calculated in part (c) does not convert into a muon-antimuon pair.

Explain why the production of a muon-antimuon pair does not occur if the frequency of the photon is below a certain value.

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5a4 marks

An unstable isotope of neodymium–144 (N presubscript 60 presuperscript 144 d) decays by emitting an α particle.

Calculate the specific charge of an alpha particle, state an appropriate unit.       

5b2 marks

Determine the ratio  fraction numerator m a s s space o f space d a u g h t e r space n u c l e u s over denominator m a s s space o f space a l p h a space p a r t i c l e end fraction

5c3 marks

An atom of N presubscript 60 presuperscript 144 d is instead ionised by the addition of three orbiting electrons.

State the constituents of the ion that have           

  • A zero charge per unit mass ratio

  • The smallest charge per unit mass ratio

  • The largest charge per unit mass ratio

5d2 marks

Calculate the percentage of the total mass of the ion that is accounted for by the mass of its electrons.    

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1a2 marks

A radioactive nucleus straight X presubscript 85 presuperscript 229  undergoes a beta–minus decay followed by an alpha decay to form a daughter nucleus straight Y presubscript straight Z presuperscript straight A.

Write a decay equation for this interaction and hence, determine the values of A and Z.


1b3 marks

Thorium open parentheses Th presubscript 90 presuperscript 232 close parentheses decays to an isotope of Radium open parentheses Ra close parentheses through a series of transformations.

The particles emitted in successive transformations are:

alpha space space beta to the power of minus space space beta to the power of minus space space gamma space space alpha

Determine the resulting nuclide after these successive transformations.

Clearly show how you arrive at your final answer.

1c3 marks

Through a combination of successive alpha and beta decays, the isotope of any original nucleus can be formed.

Determine the simplest sequence of alpha and beta decays required to do this and explain your reasoning.

1d2 marks

A nucleus of bohrium open parentheses Bh presubscript straight Y presuperscript straight X close parentheses decays to mendelevium open parentheses Md presubscript 101 presuperscript 255 close parentheses by a sequence of three alpha particle emissions.

Determine the number of neutrons in a nucleus of bohrium.

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2a2 marks

A muon and an anti–muon annihilate leading to the emission of two photons.

Calculate the wavelength of the photons. 

2b3 marks

Using your answer to part (a): 

(i) Deduce the type of electromagnetic radiation emitted after the annihilation. 

(ii) Explain why this is the longest possible wavelength of the photons produced.

2c2 marks

Recombining the photons can produce a muon and an anti–muon in a process called pair production. Alternatively, one of the photons could spontaneously convert into an electron and positron.

Show that the energy required to produce a positron is about 200 times less than the energy required to produce an anti–muon and hence deduce the mass of a muon in kg.

2d3 marks

In 1995, scientists at CERN created atoms of anti-hydrogen for the first time. An atom of anti-hydrogen consists of a positron in orbit around an antiproton. Each atom of anti-hydrogen survived for only around forty nanoseconds.

Describe the properties of an atom of anti-hydrogen and explain why they only survived for around forty nanoseconds.

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3a3 marks

Despite the electrostatic repulsion acting between protons, nuclei with low nucleon numbers tend to be most stable when they contain equal amounts of protons and neutrons.

Explain why.

3b2 marks

Figure 1 shows a graph of neutron number N against proton number Z for stable nuclei.

Figure 1


The solid line indicates where N = Z.

In terms of nuclear forces, suggest why N = Z for lighter nuclei but not for heavier nuclei.

3c3 marks

All nuclei have approximately the same density.

Suggest, with reasons, what this implies about the nature of the strong nuclear force. 

3d4 marks

A proton travelling at a moderate velocity is fired at a stationary proton. It stops momentarily at a very short distance from the stationary proton and then deflects in the opposite direction.

A proton travelling at a high velocity is then fired at the stationary proton. It also stops momentarily at a very short distance from the stationary proton but does not deflect.

In terms of fundamental forces, describe what happens to the proton travelling at a high velocity and explain why this happens.

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4a3 marks

Table 1 shows some of the isotopes of phosphorus and, where they are unstable, the type of decay.

Table 1


P presubscript 15 presuperscript 29

P presubscript 15 presuperscript 30

P presubscript 15 presuperscript 31

P presubscript 15 presuperscript 32

P presubscript 15 presuperscript 33

Type of decay

beta to the power of plus

beta to the power of plus



beta to the power of minus

 Predict whether the isotope P presubscript 15 presuperscript 32  is stable or not. If not, determine, with a reason, the type of decay it experiences.

4b2 marks

The isotope of phosphorus decays into an isotope of silicon.

straight P presubscript 15 presuperscript 30 space rightwards arrow space e presubscript... end presubscript presuperscript... end presuperscript space plus space Si presubscript... end presubscript presuperscript... end presuperscript space plus space...

Complete the decay equation for this phosphorus isotope and explain the need for the third emission product.

4c4 marks

In one instance, one of the unstable isotopes of phosphorus decays and is then immediately bombarded by electrons. This leads to the ionisation of the decay product. 

The specific charge of the ionised decay product is found to be 5.835 × 106 C kg–1 and it has a negative charge of 3.2 × 10–19 C.

Determine the original isotope of phosphorus that decayed.

4d2 marks

Calculate the percentage of the total mass of the ion in part (c) that is accounted for by the mass of its neutrons.

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