Figure 3 shows the X-ray spectrum produced in a medical X-ray machine at a particular anode potential difference (pd).
Figure 3

In an X-ray tube, electrons collide with a tungsten target.
Explain how the continuous spectrum and the characteristic spectra are produced by these electron collisions.
The dashed line on Figure 4 shows the X-ray spectrum for the initial anode pd.
Sketch on Figure 4 the X-ray spectrum produced when the anode pd is increased.
Figure 4

In the medical X-ray machine, the X-rays produced with the initial anode pd are now passed through an aluminium filter.
The dashed line on Figure 5 shows the X-ray spectrum for the initial anode pd.
Sketch on Figure 5 the X-ray spectrum of the X-rays that emerge from the filter.
Figure 5

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