Moment of Inertia
- In linear motion, the resistance to a change of motion, i.e. linear acceleration, is known as inertia
- The larger the mass an object has, the greater its inertia
- In rotational motion, the distribution of mass around an axis must be considered, using moments of inertia
- This is the rotational equivalent of mass
- The moment of inertia of a rigid, extended body is defined as:
The resistance to a change of rotational motion, depending on the distribution of mass around a chosen axis of rotation
- Moment of inertia is measured in kg m2
- The moment of inertia of a body corresponds to how 'easy' or 'hard' it is to rotate, and this is dependent on many factors, including
- The total mass (m)
- How its mass is distributed about the axis of rotation (r)
- For example, if a springboard diver jumps off a board and does a flip, they tuck their legs closer to their chest. This decreases their moment of inertia, as more of their mass is distributed over a smaller distance. This makes it easier for them to rotate
The change in the moment of inertia of a diver
The distance from the axis of rotation changes as the diver curls up and straightens out again
- This also means that the moment of inertia of a singular object can change depending on its orientation in relation to the chosen axis of rotation
- For example, the moment of inertia of a thin rod is different for each of the following orientations:
- Rotation about its vertical axis
- Rotation about its centre of mass
- Rotation about one end
Different orientations of a thin rod have different moments of inertia
The moment of inertia of a body can change depending on its orientation relative to the axis of rotation
- These are just a few of the possible orientations of the axis of rotation for a thin rod
- There is an infinite range of possible axes, and therefore an infinite possible set of values for the moments of inertia
- This also applies to nearly all rigid, extended objects that could be considered