Partial Fractions (A Level only) (AQA A Level Maths: Pure)

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fraction numerator 1 over denominator x open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses end fraction

as partial fractions.

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4 marks

Factorise x squared plus 5 x minus 6.


Hence, or otherwise, express 

fraction numerator left parenthesis 5 x plus 16 right parenthesis over denominator x squared plus 5 x minus 6 end fraction

as partial fractions.

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fraction numerator 6 x minus 13 over denominator x squared minus 5 x plus 6 end fraction

as partial fractions.

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fraction numerator 2 left parenthesis x minus 11 right parenthesis over denominator x squared plus 2 x minus 15 end fraction

in the form

fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 5 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 3 end fraction

where A spaceand B are integers to be found.

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3 marks

Show that

fraction numerator 3 x plus 8 over denominator open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses squared end fraction identical to fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus B over open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses squared

where A spaceand B are integers to be found.

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fraction numerator 5 x squared plus 10 x plus 8 over denominator x open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses squared end fraction

in partial fractions.

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fraction numerator 3 x squared minus 6 x plus 2 over denominator x cubed minus 3 x squared plus 2 x end fraction

in the form

A over x plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x minus 2 end fraction

where A comma B and C are integers to be found.

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4 marks

Briefly explain why

fraction numerator x squared plus x minus 4 over denominator x squared plus 4 x plus 3 end fraction

          is an improper (algebraic) fraction.

Show that 
left parenthesis x squared plus x minus 4 right parenthesis divided by left parenthesis x squared plus 4 x plus 3 right parenthesis equals 1 minus fraction numerator left parenthesis 3 x plus 7 right parenthesis over denominator x squared plus 4 x plus 3 end fraction
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fraction numerator 3 x plus 7 over denominator x squared plus 4 x plus 3 end fraction

as partial fractions.

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2 marks

Hence, show that

fraction numerator x squared plus x minus 4 over denominator x squared plus 4 x plus 3 end fraction equals 1 minus fraction numerator 2 over denominator x plus 1 end fraction minus fraction numerator 1 over denominator x plus 3 end fraction

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3 marks

Express  fraction numerator 2 over denominator x open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Write  fraction numerator x space minus space 10 over denominator open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 1 close parentheses end fraction  in the form  fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 2 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 1 end fraction , where A spaceand B are integers to be found.

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3 marks

It is given that

straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals x cubed minus 13 x plus 12.


Show that straight f left parenthesis 1 right parenthesis equals 0.

Hence write down a factor of straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.
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Show that straight f left parenthesis 3 right parenthesis equals 0.

Hence write down another factor of straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.
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2 marks

Fully factorise straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.

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4 marks

Express  fraction numerator 3 x squared minus 13 over denominator x cubed minus 13 x plus 12 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 7 x plus 34 over denominator x squared plus 9 x plus 14 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Use algebraic division to work out left parenthesis x squared plus 4 x minus 6 right parenthesis divided by left parenthesis x squared minus x minus 6 right parenthesis.

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Write fraction numerator 5 x over denominator open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses end fraction  in the form fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 2 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 3 end fraction

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Hence, or otherwise, show that fraction numerator x squared plus 4 x minus 6 over denominator x squared minus x minus 6 end fraction equals 1 plus fraction numerator 2 over denominator x plus 2 end fraction plus fraction numerator 3 over denominator x minus 3 end fraction

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4 marks

Express  fraction numerator 2 x over denominator open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 2 close parentheses end fraction  as partial fractions.

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2 marks

Use the factor theorem to show that left parenthesis x plus 1 right parenthesis is a factor of  x cubed minus 3 x squared plus 4.

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Hence, or otherwise, fully factorise x cubed minus 3 x squared plus 4.

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4 marks

Show that fraction numerator 19 minus 8 x over denominator x cubed minus 3 x squared plus 4 end fraction  can be written in the form fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 2 end fraction plus C over open parentheses x minus 2 close parentheses squared  , where A comma B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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Express  fraction numerator 3 x plus 11 over denominator x squared plus 6 x plus 9 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator x squared minus 5 over denominator x cubed minus x squared minus 17 x minus 15 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 12 over denominator x squared plus 4 x minus 5 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Write  fraction numerator 12 x space minus space 6 over denominator open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 1 close parentheses end fraction  in the form fraction numerator A over denominator x minus 3 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 2 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x minus 1 end fraction  , where A comma B thin spaceand C are integers to be found.

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3 marks

It is given that

straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals x cubed plus 3 x squared minus 4 x minus 12.


Show that straight f left parenthesis negative 3 right parenthesis equals 0

Hence write down a factor of straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.
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4 marks

Fully factorise straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis.

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Express  fraction numerator 3 x squared minus 8 x minus 36 over denominator x cubed plus 3 x squared minus 4 x minus 12 end fraction as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 2 x squared plus 16 x minus 24 over denominator x cubed minus 2 x squared minus 8 x end fraction  as partial fractions.

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2 marks

Show that   fraction numerator x squared plus x plus 5 over denominator x squared plus 3 x plus 2 end fraction can be written in the form  A minusfraction numerator 2 x space minus space 3 over denominator open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses end fraction  , where A is an integer to be found.

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3 marks

Express fraction numerator 2 x space minus space 3 over denominator open parentheses x plus 1 close parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses end fraction  in the form  fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x plus 2 end fraction  where B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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3 marks

Using your values for A comma B spaceand C write fraction numerator x squared plus x plus 5 over denominator x squared plus 3 x plus 2 end fraction  in the form A plus fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x plus 2 end fraction

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5 marks

Express  fraction numerator 2 x over denominator x squared minus 9 x minus 52 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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2 marks

Use the factor theorem to show that left parenthesis x minus 2 right parenthesis is a factor of  x cubed plus 4 x squared minus 3 x minus 18.

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Hence, or otherwise, fully factorise x cubed plus 4 x squared minus 3 x minus 18.

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4 marks

Show that  fraction numerator 7 x squared plus 32 x plus 8 over denominator x cubed plus 4 x squared minus 3 x minus 18 end fraction can be written in the form  fraction numerator A over denominator x minus 2 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 3 end fraction plus C over open parentheses x plus 3 close parentheses squared , where A comma B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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Express  fraction numerator 3 x squared minus 22 x plus 25 over denominator x cubed minus 7 x squared plus 8 x plus 16 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 2 x squared minus 3 over denominator x cubed plus 4 x squared minus 3 x minus 18 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 8 over denominator x cubed minus 6 x squared plus 8 x end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Write  fraction numerator 13 x squared minus 10 over denominator x cubed minus x squared minus 2 x end fraction  in the form  A over x plus fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x minus 2 end fraction , where A comma B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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5 marks

Show that  fraction numerator 34 minus 3 x squared minus x over denominator x cubed minus 5 x squared plus 3 x plus 9 end fraction  can be written in the form  fraction numerator A over denominator x plus 1 end fraction plus fraction numerator B over denominator x minus 3 end fraction plus C over open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses squared , where A comma B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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4 marks

Express  fraction numerator x squared minus 3 over denominator open parentheses x minus 3 close parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses squared end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Write  fraction numerator x squared plus 3 x plus 10 over denominator x squared plus 8 x plus 15 end fraction  in the form  A plus fraction numerator B over denominator x plus 3 end fraction plus fraction numerator C over denominator x plus 5 end fraction , where A comma B spaceand C are integers to be found.

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6 marks

It is given that

straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals x cubed plus 3 x squared minus 4 x minus 12.


Show that straight f left parenthesis negative 3 right parenthesis equals 0.

Hence, fully factorise straight f left parenthesis x right parenthesis .
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4 marks

Express fraction numerator 3 x squared minus 8 x minus 36 over denominator straight f open parentheses x close parentheses end fraction as partial fractions.

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10 marks

Express  fraction numerator 2 x minus 5 over denominator x cubed minus 3 x squared minus 13 x plus 15 end fraction  as partial fractions.

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Express  fraction numerator 2 open parentheses 3 x cubed plus x squared minus 17 x plus 4 close parentheses over denominator x open parentheses x minus 1 close parentheses open parentheses x minus 4 close parentheses open parentheses x plus 2 close parentheses end fraction  as partial fractions.

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7 marks

Given that  x to the power of 4 minus 4 x cubed minus 2 x squared plus 12 x plus 9 equals left parenthesis x squared minus 6 x plus 9 right parenthesis left parenthesis x squared plus 2 x plus 1 right parenthesis, express fraction numerator 5 x cubed minus 15 x squared plus 19 x plus 7 over denominator x to the power of 4 minus 4 x cubed minus 2 x squared plus 12 x plus 9 end fraction as partial fractions.

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