Explain why changes in ocean health may threaten people’s well-being.
Assess the impacts of climate change on the flows (processes) in the hydrological cycle.
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Select a download format for Global Climate System Links to Carbon & Water Cycles
Explain why changes in ocean health may threaten people’s well-being.
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Assess the impacts of climate change on the flows (processes) in the hydrological cycle.
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Evaluate the view that changes to the carbon cycle pose more threats to people than changes to the water cycle.
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Explain why there are uncertainties about future levels of carbon release from peatlands and permafrost.
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Evaluate the view that mitigation strategies are more important than adaptation strategies in addressing the risks posed by the degradation of the carbon cycle.
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Study Figure 4B.
Figure 4B Diagram showing how climate warming impacts onthe carbon cycle in a tundra environment
Assess the likely impacts of climate warming on the components of the carbon cycle shown in Figure 4B.
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