Evaluate the view that glaciated and periglaciated landscapes have a greater value globally than locally.
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Evaluate the view that glaciated and periglaciated landscapes have a greater value globally than locally.
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Evaluate the view that the threats to glaciated landscapes can only be managed successfully on a global scale.
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Explain why a range of approaches is needed to manage glaciated landscapes.
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Study Figure 2a in the Resource Booklet.
Figure 2a
Changes in the position of the Mer de Glace, France, 1570 - 2010
Explain how changes in the position of the snout of the Mer de Glace may provide evidence for changing climate.
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Evaluate the view that tourism poses the greatest threat to both active and relict glaciated landscapes.
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Evaluate the extent to which periglacial landscapes are more vulnerable to climate change than glaciated landscapes.
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