To what extent do you agree that seismic events will always generate more widespread and severe impacts than volcanic events?
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To what extent do you agree that seismic events will always generate more widespread and severe impacts than volcanic events?
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Assess the importance of factors in globalisation in supporting the response to major seismic hazards.
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Figure 10
Information about the 2010 earthquake in Haiti
Figure 10 shows information about the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Using Figure 10 and your own knowledge, assess the challenges in managing an event such as this.
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Outline the process of liquefaction.
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‘Seismic activity offshore will always present a greater threat to people than seismic activity on land.’
To what extent do you agree with this view?
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What are the characteristics of tsunamis?
They have a short wavelength and high amplitude. They travel at low speed, at around 30 km/h. They decrease in height as they approach land.
They have a long wavelength and low amplitude. They travel at high speeds, sometimes over 700 km/h. Shallow water and the funnelling effect of bays dramatically increases height.
They have a short wavelength and consist of a series of waves. They strike land in quick succession with heights sometimes exceeding 20 metres.
Strong winds whip up large waves which lead to very powerful waves. The funnelling effect of bays creates super-sized waves.
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