Explain the development of warm based glaciers.
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Explain the development of warm based glaciers.
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Figure 8 shows the location of three US glaciers.
Figure 9 shows the change in their size (mass balance) between 1958 and 2005.
Figure 10 shows the cumulative impact of the annual change in mass balance within the three glaciers.
Figure 8 Figure 9
Figure 10
Using Figures 8, 9 and 10, compare the differences between the glaciers.
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Outline processes by which glaciers erode the landscape.
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Figure 7
The surface velocity of various glaciers, including Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica
Note: At the grounding line, glacier ice comes into contact with the sea and starts to float.
Figure 7 shows the surface velocity of various glaciers, including Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica.
Analyse the data shown in Figure 7.
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Outline the geomorphological process of nivation.
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Figure 7 shows the mean mass balance and cumulative mass balance for selected glaciers around the world.
Figure 7
The mean mass balance and cumulative mass balance for selected glaciers around the world
Analyse the data shown in Figure 7.
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Figure 7a shows the number of days where ablation exceeds accumulation across the Greenland ice sheet between 1 January and 31 December 2017.
Figure 7b shows the number of melting days difference from the 1981–2010 average across the Greenland ice sheet between 1 January and 31 December 2017.
Figure 7c shows the percentage of the Greenland ice sheet experiencing melting in 2017. This is compared to the 1981–2010 median.
Figure 7a – Number of days where ablation exceeded accumulation | Figure 7b – Number of melting days difference from the 1981–2010 average |
Figure 7c – Percentage of Greenland ice sheet experiencing melting
in 2017, compared to 1981–2010 median
Analyse the data shown in Figure 7a, Figure 7b and Figure 7c.
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Outline the process of internal deformation.
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