Explain the concept of resource peak.
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Explain the concept of resource peak.
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Outline how an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can be used to encourage sustainable resource development.
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What is an inferred resource?
A resource where the quantity and grade can be estimated with confidence using inspection sites that are situated far apart. The economic viability can be confidently assessed and planned for.
A resource where the grade or quality can only be estimated on the basis of limited geological sampling. There is insufficient data to justify expenditure on exploiting the resource.
A resource where the quality and grade of the resource can be measured accurately. A preliminary feasibility study indicates that it is economically viable and extraction is justified.
A resource that has a finite supply. It is economically viable and extraction is justified. Confidence in the supply is measured by wide geological sampling.
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Figure 9a shows greenhouse gas emissions per capita in selected European countries in 2015.
Figure 9b shows the % of electricity generated from renewable sources in selected European countries in 2015.
Figure 9c shows the selected countries.
Figure 9a
Figure 9b
Figure 9c
Analyse the data shown in Figure 9a and Figure 9b.
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