Choose a health impact likely to result from ozone depletion.
Thermal stress
Coronary heart disease
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Choose a health impact likely to result from ozone depletion.
Thermal stress
Coronary heart disease
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‘As more and more countries exceed their carrying capacity, soil problems will inevitably increase and there is very little that can be done to mitigate this.’
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Choose the example from the list below that supports a Malthusian perspective on population growth.
The Chinese government launched the one-child policy in 1979. Families were fined if they broke the rules. This policy resulted in many families becoming bankrupt but it prevented over 400 million births.
The development of miracle rice crops in the 1960s such as IR8 in India tripled the yields of rice. This reduced the number of famines despite an increasing population growth rate of over 2% during the 1960s and 1970s.
The Water Project in Uganda has provided borehole wells and hand pumps to many villages. The use of appropriate technology means that the villages can maintain the wells themselves. As a result, death rates from diseases such as typhoid have fallen.
In the 1980s there were a series of famines in Ethiopia. These famines occurred as a result of failed harvests due to drought and population pressure. There was also a civil war which prevented the distribution of food aid.
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