Physical Impacts on the Carbon Cycle (AQA A Level Geography)

Revision Note

Jacque Cartwright

Written by: Jacque Cartwright

Reviewed by: Bridgette Barrett

Updated on

Natural Climate Change & Carbon Cycle

  • Over the past 2.6 million years global climates have fluctuated between interglacial (warm) and glacial (cold) periods

  • Data from Antarctic ice core samples, show temperatures and carbon dioxide levels roughly match 

  • Higher temperatures are associated with high concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

  • The last 2.6 million years are the Quaternary period when there have been 60 cold periods and warmer interglacial periods

  • The last ice age ended approximately 25,000 years ago

Ice core data: changes in temperature over the last 11,000 years
Temperatures & Increased Carbon Dioxide
Mean Antarctic temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past 200,000 years
  • An increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere leads to enhanced global warming and temperature increase

  • Lower levels of CO2 reduce the effectiveness of the natural greenhouse effect

  • Increasing carbon dioxide levels increase global temperatures

  • However, a change in temperature can also affect the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to melting of the permafrost releasing methane (positive feedback loop)

Impacts of Cold & Warm Conditions

  • Cold conditions can affect weathering as cold water can hold more carbon dioxide but also freeze-thaw cycle increases exposing more rock to chemical weathering

  • The extent and location of forests are affected by cold conditions - the treeline of the tundra

  • Respiration and photosynthesis processes are reduced by cold conditions

  • Carbon transfers to soil are reduced during cold conditions due to the reduced effectiveness of decomposers

  • Less sediment is transported by rivers and deposited in seas and oceans as more water is stored as snow and ice

  • Frozen soil stops the transfer of carbon

  • Warmer temperatures increase the rate of decomposition which increases the rate of carbon transfer to the soil by decomposers

  • Warm conditions melt the permafrost, so releasing carbon, along with other gases such as methane, stored in the permafrost 

  • This further enhances the greenhouse effect which in turn, increases atmospheric warming

  • This is an example of positive feedback, which further destabilises the system

Impacts of Wildfires & Volcanic Activity


  • Burning transfers carbon from the biosphere to the atmosphere as CO₂

  • This causes carbon emissions to spike in an already rising trend Extreme wildfires can turn vast areas from being carbon sinks to being a carbon source

  • However, burning can encourage the growth of plants in the long term and some plants need wildfires to grow as it reduces competition for space

  • As temperatures continue to increase, so does the risk of wildfires

  • During 2019 a large area of tundra, covering Siberia, Alaska, Canada and Greenland experienced wildfires

  • This contributed a significant amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

  • World Meteorological Organisation noted in July 2019 that:

Since the start of June we’ve seen unprecedented wildfires in the Arctic region. In June alone these wildfires (some the size of 100,000 football pitches) emitted 50 megatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, this is the equivalent of Sweden’s annual total CO2 emissions. This is more than was released by Arctic fires in the same month between 2010 and 2018 combined.

Volcanic Activity

  • Carbon, stored in rocks for millions of years, is released, mainly as CO2 gas, to the atmosphere through volcanic eruptions

  • During the Palaeozoic era, between 542 and 251 million years ago, volcanoes were more active than now  

  • During this time, vast quantities of carbon dioxide were released into the atmosphere 

  • Today, between 130 and 380 million tonnes of carbon dioxide is released annually through volcanic activity

  • Compared to the 30 billion tonnes released by human activities such as burning fossil fuels is relatively low

  • Therefore, volcanic activity contributes a relatively low percentage of CO2 to the overall carbon cycle

  • However, volcanic activity can impact the carbon cycle through reducing photosynthesis rates, which will also have an impact on the water cycle e.g.:

    • The 1815 Indonesian Mt Tambora eruption, emitted sulphur dioxide gas, into the atmosphere

    • This reduced insolation and lowered global temperatures by 0.4 - 0.7°C in 1816

Worked Example

Outline the process of combustion in the carbon cycle.

[3 marks]


  • Combustion (burning) is one method where carbon is transferred (1) between the stores of the biosphere and pedosphere/lithosphere as a solid (1d) to the atmospheric store as a gas (1d) 

  • As a result of combustion, the magnitude of these stores is changed (1d)

  • Wild fires and volcanic activity are examples of natural drivers of combustion (1)

  • Burning fossil fuels is an example of a human cause of combustion (1)

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Jacque Cartwright

Author: Jacque Cartwright

Expertise: Geography Content Creator

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the past 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to get the top scores on those pesky geography exams.

Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.