Coastal Management (AQA A Level Geography)



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  • What are the two main types of traditional coastal management approaches?

    The two main types of traditional coastal management approaches are hard engineering and soft engineering.

  • What are the main advantages of sea walls?

    The main advantages of sea walls is that they are highly effective at absorbing and reflecting wave energy. They also create walkways which can benefit tourism.

  • Define rip-rap.

    Rip Rap, also known as rock armour, consists of large concrete or granite boulders placed at the foot of a cliff to reduce wave energy.

  • True or False?

    Offshore breakwaters are ineffective at protecting the coast.


    Offshore breakwaters are effective at protecting the coast by breaking waves and dissipating their energy before they reach the shore.

  • What is beach nourishment?

    Beach nourishment is the process of adding sand or shingle to a beach to widen it, creating more surface area to absorb wave energy.

  • Define the term cliff regrading.

    Cliff regrading is the process of reducing the angle of a cliff to stabilise the slope and prevent mass movement.

  • What is the main advantages of dune stabilisation?

    The main advantage of dune stabilisation is that it is:

    • Cheap and sustainable.

    • Creates habitats for wildlife.

    • Maintains a natural environment.

  • What type of soft engineering is a form of managed retreat where land is allowed to be flooded by the sea, creating a salt marsh?

    Marsh creation is a form of managed retreat where land is allowed to be flooded by the sea, creating a salt marsh that absorbs wave energy and acts as a buffer against rising sea levels

  • True or False?

    Soft engineering methods work against natural processes.


    Soft engineering methods work with natural processes and materials, unlike hard engineering approaches.

  • What form of hard engineering is a rock barrier a little out to sea from the shoreline?

    Offshore breakwaters are rock barriers a little out to sea from the shoreline.  This breaks the waves and dissipates their energy before they reach the coast.

  • What is a Shoreline Management Plan (SMP)?

    A Shoreline Management Plan is a detailed document that identifies natural processes, activities, and risks in each of the UK's 11 sediment cells, providing recommendations for coastal management.

  • What are the four options for coastal management in Shoreline Management Plans?

    The four options for coastal management in SMPs are:

    • Hold the line.

    • Advance the line.

    • Managed retreat.

    • Do nothing.

  • Define cost-benefit analysis in coastal management.

    Cost-benefit analysis in coastal management is a method used to decide recommendations for each section of coastline by weighing the costs of defences against the benefits for the environment and population.

  • What is Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)?

    Integrated Coastal Zone Management is an approach where large sections of coastline are managed together, recognising that sediment cells interact and changes in one area impact others.

  • True or False?

    Integrated Coastal Zone Management involves only government stakeholders in coastal management decisions.


    ICZM involves a range of stakeholders, including government, local communities, and other interested parties in coastal management decisions.

  • What are the main aims of Integrated Coastal Zone Management?

    The main aims of ICZM include:

    • Creating sustainable economic and social activities.

    • Protecting the coastal environment.

    • Managing flood and coastal erosion risk.

    • Resolving conflicts.

  • Define sediment cell in coastal management.

    A sediment cell is a section of coastline and nearshore area within which sediment movement is self-contained. The cells are used as a basis for coastal management planning.

  • What year did the EU introduce an initiative to use Integrated Coastal Zone Managements on all of Europe's coastlines?

    The EU introduced an initiative to use ICZMs on all of Europe's coastlines in 2013.

  • True or False?

    Coastal management decisions never create conflicts between stakeholders.


    Coastal management decisions often create conflicts, particularly between those considering economic outcomes versus environmental outcomes.

  • What is terminal groyne syndrome?

    Terminal groyne syndrome refers to the erosion that occurs downdrift of a groyne system, caused by the interruption of longshore drift and sediment starvation.