Mineral Security (AQA A Level Geography)



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  • Define the term mineral.

    A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a crystalline structure.

  • What is an ore?

     An ore is a concentration of minerals in rock high enough to be economically extracted for use.

  • True or False?

    Copper can occur naturally in a usable form.


    Copper is one of the few metals that can occur naturally in a usable form.

  • Which country is the world's leading copper producer?

    Chile is the world's leading copper producer, with vast reserves and numerous mining operations.

  • True or False?

    Copper is not recyclable.


    Over 80% of the copper ever mined and manufactured is still in use today due to its recyclability.

  • What are the three main categories of copper use?

    The three main categories of copper use are electrical, building construction and transport.

  • Define porphyry ore deposits.

     Porphyry ore deposits are the most common type of copper ore, formed in tectonic subduction zones with a low-grade (1-2%) copper content.

  • What are massive sulphide deposits?

    Massive sulphide deposits are higher-grade (2–5%) copper deposits formed by the hydrothermal release of magma on the seafloor as two plates pull apart.

  • True or False?

    Strata bound copper deposits are the most widely distributed.


    Strata-bound copper deposits are the least widely distributed but richest in copper content (up to 6%).

  • Define concentrate in the context of the copper trade.

    Concentrate refers to partially processed copper ore that is traded internationally, with the biggest flows being from South America to Asia.

  • What type of mining is often used to extract mineral ores?

     Mineral ores are often extracted using open-pit mines.

  • True or False?

    Copper extraction has a small environmental impact.


    Copper extraction has a large impact due to the fact that it is mostly extracted and processed in one place.

  • What percentage of global copper production does Chile account for?

    Chile accounts for 29% of global copper production.

  • Define mass movement in the context of copper mining.

     Mass movement refers to the increased risk of soil and rock movement due to the sloping nature of open mines and exposed topsoil.

  • What percentage of copper used each year comes from recycled sources?

    More than one-third of the copper used each year comes from recycled sources.

  • Define leaching in the context of mining.

     Leaching refers to the process where toxic minerals transported by water from mining waste can kill both flora and fauna.

  • What is a Green Trade Alliance (GTA)?

    A Green Trade Alliance between producers and importers enforces protectionist trade and promotes environmental standards.

  • True or False?

    Recycling copper uses more energy than extracting and processing new copper.


    Recycling copper uses less energy than extracting and processing new copper.

  • What is a baffle mound in mining?

    A baffle mound is a structure used to absorb sound and act as a visual screen in mining operations.

  • Define turbidity in the context of water pollution from mining.

    Turbidity refers to the presence of fine deposits in water courses that can block sunlight for aquatic plants and choke some of them.