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True or False?
Primary energy has undergone a conversion process.
Primary energy is a form of energy usually found in nature that has not undergone a conversion process.
What is secondary energy?
Secondary energy is energy that has come from a conversion process to generate a second form of energy, for example electricity.
Define the term energy mix.
An energy mix is the combination of different energy sources used to meet energy needs in a particular country or region.
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True or False?
Primary energy has undergone a conversion process.
Primary energy is a form of energy usually found in nature that has not undergone a conversion process.
What is secondary energy?
Secondary energy is energy that has come from a conversion process to generate a second form of energy, for example electricity.
Define the term energy mix.
An energy mix is the combination of different energy sources used to meet energy needs in a particular country or region.
True or False?
The UK's energy mix is less diverse than Nigeria's.
The UK's energy mix is more diverse than Nigeria's.
What is the dominant primary energy source in Nigeria?
The dominant primary energy source in Nigeria is biofuels, mainly due to burning of firewood for domestic heating and cooking.
Define MTOE.
MTOE is an acronym for million tonnes of oil equivalent, and is a unit of measurement for energy consumption.
What was the UK's total energy use in 2015?
The UK's total energy use in 2015 was approximately 180 million tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE).
True or False?
Nigeria's renewables sector is significant.
Nigeria's renewables sector is insignificant, with only a small amount of HEP.
What factors influence the energy mix of a country?
Factors influencing a country's energy mix include level of development, availability of energy sources, relative cost of energy supplies, and government policies.
Define exotic rivers.
Exotic rivers are rivers that have sources in upland areas of high precipitation but then later flow through arid regions, allowing for HEP despite surrounding low precipitation levels.
What geological condition is necessary for coal seam formation?
Coal seams form from fossilised and buried ancient swamp forests.
True or False?
Geothermal energy potential is highest where the earth's crust is thick.
Geothermal energy potential is highest where the earth's crust is thin, so magma is nearer the surface.
What is vertical integration in the context of energy companies?
Vertical integration is when a company controls multiple stages of the energy supply chain, from exploration to retailing.
True or False?
The number of oil spills has increased in recent decades.
The number of oil spills and the quantity of oil spilled from tankers has fallen substantially in recent decades.
What was Deepwater Horizon?
Deepwater Horizon was an offshore oil rig operated by BP that caused one of the world's largest oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
Define enhanced oil recovery.
Enhanced oil recovery refers to techniques used to increase the amount of crude oil that can be extracted from an oil field, such as thermal, chemical, or biological recovery methods.
What is fracking?
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a process where sand, chemicals and water are pumped into shale rocks at high pressure to break the rock and release gas or oil.
True or False?
Fracking has no environmental impacts.
Fracking can contaminate local groundwater with methane and chemicals and cause small earthquakes and ground subsidence.
Define the term oil refining.
Oil refining is when crude oil is processed into fuel products such as petrol and kerosene.
What percentage of the world's electricity comes from nuclear power?
Nuclear power provides about 10% of the world's electricity.
True or False?
Nuclear power produces greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
Nuclear power is a relatively clean process that produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
What is the main disadvantage of nuclear energy?
The main disadvantage of nuclear energy is nuclear waste, which is radioactive and expensive to dispose of, requiring long-term underground storage.
Define baseload power.
Baseload power is a consistent and reliable source of electricity that can operate continuously, providing a stable power supply.
What are biofuels?
Biofuels are fuels derived from organic matter, such as crops, agricultural residues, or waste biomass.
True or False?
Wind energy can only be harvested on land.
Wind energy can be harvested both on land (onshore) and at sea (offshore).
What is a smart meter?
A smart meter is a device installed in homes and offices that allows people to be more aware of how much energy they are using.
Define the carbon cap and trade scheme.
The carbon cap and trade scheme is a system where the amount of carbon emissions from businesses and industries is capped, and participants can buy, sell, or trade emission allowances.
What is the Carbon Price Floor (CPF) in the UK?
The Carbon Price Floor is a policy that went into effect in 2013 and places a price on each tonne of carbon dioxide that electricity providers emit to businesses, effectively imposing a carbon tax on them.
True or False?
Subsidies for energy efficiency improvements are only available for businesses.
Subsidies, including money and grants, are available to both businesses and homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.
True or False?
Energy production and consumption emit less than half of global greenhouse gases.
Energy produces over two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions.
What is acid rain?
Acid rain is formed when sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides react with atmospheric water, oxygen, and other chemicals to produce hydrogen ions (lower pH).
What is transboundary pollution?
Transboundary pollution crosses borders via water or air and harms another country's environment.
True or False?
Acid rain only affects water bodies.
Acid rain affects both water bodies and soil, impacting aquatic life, plant growth, and soil chemistry.
What is acid shock?
Acid shock is an episodic event where large amounts of acid are flushed out of soils into waterways after periods of heavy rain or snowmelt.
True or False?
New buildings in the UK have no energy efficiency requirements.
UK buildings must meet strict energy efficiency codes for thermal insulation, air permeability, and energy-efficient systems.
Define thermal efficiency.
Thermal efficiency affects a building's heating and cooling energy consumption by determining its insulation and heat retention.
What is an Energy Performance Certificate?
An Energy Performance Certificate is a document that provides evidence of compliance with energy efficiency regulations for buildings in the UK.