Perfect Competition (Edexcel A Level Economics A)

Revision Note

Steve Vorster


Economics & Business Subject Lead

Characteristics of Perfect Competition

  • The characteristics of perfect competition are as follows

  1. There are many buyers and sellers: due to the number of market participants sellers are price takers

  2. There are no barriers to entry and exit from the industry: firms can start-up or leave the industry with relative ease which increases the level of competition

  3. Buyers and sellers possess perfect knowledge of prices: this assumption presupposes perfect information e.g if one seller lowers their price then all buyers will know about it

  4. The products are homogenous: this means firms are unable to build brand loyalty as perfect substitutes exist and any price changes will result in losing customers

Profit Maximising Equilibrium in the Short & Long-run

  • In order to maximise profit, firms in perfect competition produce up to the level of output where marginal cost = marginal revenue (MC=MR)

  • The firm does not have any market power so it is unable to influence the price and quantity

    • The firm is a price taker due to the large number of sellers

    • The firm's selling price is the same as the market price, P1 = MR = AR = Demand

A diagram that illustrates how an individual firm in perfect competition has to accept the market/industry price (P1)
  • In the short-run, firms can make supernormal profit or losses in perfect competition

  • However, they will always return to the long-run equilibrium where they make normal profit

Perfect Competition Diagrams

Short-run profit maximisation

  • Firms in perfect competition are able to make supernormal profit in the short-run

  • The MC curve is the supply curve of the firm

A diagram illustrating a perfectly competitive firm making supernormal profit in the short-run as the AR > AC at the profit maximisation level of output (Q1)

Diagram analysis

  • The firms is producing at the profit maximisation level of output where MC=MR (Q1)

    • At this point the AR (P1) > AC (C1)

    • The firm is making supernormal profit equals space left parenthesis straight P subscript 1 space minus space straight C subscript 1 right parenthesis space cross times space straight Q subscript 1

Short-run losses

  • Firms in perfect competition are able to make losses in the short-run

A diagram illustrating a perfectly competitive firm making losses in the short-run as the AR < AC at the profit maximisation level of output (Q1)

Diagram analysis

  • The firms are producing at the profit maximisation level of output where MC=MR (Q1)

    • At this level of output, the AR (P1) < AC (C1)

    • The firm's loss is equivalent to space left parenthesis straight P subscript 1 space minus space straight C subscript 1 right parenthesis space cross times space straight Q subscript 1

Moving from short-run profits to the long-run equilibrium

  • If firms in perfect competition make supernormal profit in the short-run, new entrants are attracted to the industry

    • They are incentivised by the opportunity to make supernormal profit

    • There are no barriers to entry

      • It is easy to join the industry

A diagram illustrating how new entrants shift the industry supply curve to the right (S1→S2 ) which changes the industry price from P1→P2. The firm can now only sell its products at P2 and supernormal profits are eliminated

Diagram analysis

  • The firm is initially producing at the profit maximisation level of output where MC=MR (Q1)

    • At this level of output, the AR (P1) > AC (P2) and the firm is making supernormal profit

  • Incentivised by profit, new entrants join the industry and supply increases from S1→S2

    • Overall quantity in the industry increases from Q1→Q2

    • The industry price falls from P1→P2

  • The firm now has to sell its products at the industry price of P2

    • The output of the firm falls from Q1→Q2 as it now has a smaller market share of the larger industry

  • At the profit maximisation level of output (MC=MR) the firm is now producing at the point where AR= AC

    • The firm is making normal profit

  • In the long-run, firms in perfect competition always make normal profit

    • Firms making a loss leave the industry

    • Firms making supernormal profit see them slowly eradicated as new firms join the industry

Moving from short-run losses to long-run equilibrium

  • If firms in perfect competition make losses in the short-run, some will shut down

    • The shut down rule will determine which firms shut down

    • There are no barriers to exit, so it is easy to leave the industry

A diagram illustrating how firms leaving the industry shifts the industry supply curve to the left (S1→S2 ) which changes the industry price from P1→P2. The firm can now only sell its products at P2 which returns it to a position of normal profit

Diagram analysis

  • The firm is initially producing at the profit maximisation level of output where MC=MR (Q1)

    • At this level of output, the AR (P1) < AC (C1) and the firm is making a loss

  • Some firms leave the industry and supply decreases from S1→S2

    • Overall quantity in the industry falls from Q1→Q2

    • The industry price increases from P1→P2

  • The firm now has to sell its products at the industry price of P2

    • The output of the firm increases from Q1→Q2 as it now has a larger market share of the smaller industry

  • At the profit maximisation level of output (MC=MR) the firm is now producing at the point where AR= AC

    • The firm is making normal profit

  • In the long-run, firms in perfect competition always make normal profit

    • Firms making a loss leave the industry

    • Firms making supernormal profit see them slowly eradicated as new firms join the industry

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Steve Vorster

Author: Steve Vorster

Steve has taught A Level, GCSE, IGCSE Business and Economics - as well as IBDP Economics and Business Management. He is an IBDP Examiner and IGCSE textbook author. His students regularly achieve 90-100% in their final exams. Steve has been the Assistant Head of Sixth Form for a school in Devon, and Head of Economics at the world's largest International school in Singapore. He loves to create resources which speed up student learning and are easily accessible by all.