3.2 Business Objectives (Edexcel A Level Economics A)


  • What is profit maximisation?

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  • What is profit maximisation?

    Profit maximisation is when a firm produces at the level of output where marginal costs (MC) = marginal revenue (MR).

  • Define the term revenue maximisation.

    Revenue maximisation is when a firm produces at the level of output where marginal revenue (MR) = 0.

  • True or false?

    Sales maximisation occurs at the level of output where average costs (AC) = average revenue (AR).


    Sales maximisation occurs at the level of output where average costs (AR) = average revenue (AR).

  • What does satisficing mean?

    Satisficing means settling for a level of output somewhere between profit and sales maximisation, often due to the principal-agent problem.

  • State the formula for profit maximisation.

    Profit maximisation is at the output where:

    MC space equals space MR

  • Which business objective often results in high prices for consumers?

    Profit maximisation often results in high prices for consumers.

  • What is the connection between revenue maximisation and the principal-agent problem?

    The principal-agent problem relates to revenue maximisation, as managers may prioritise maximising sales to increase their own commission. Profit maximising becomes less important to managers than owners.

  • What is the level output at which breakeven occurs?

    The level output at which breakeven occurs is where average costs (AC) = average revenue (AR). This results in normal profit.

  • True or false?

    Firms always know their exact profit maximisation level of output.


    Firms may find it difficult to determine their exact profit maximisation level of output.

  • Define the term supernormal profit.

    Supernormal profit is the difference between the selling price (AR) and the average cost (AC) multiplied by the quantity produced.

  • What is the relationship between marginal revenue and total revenue at the revenue maximisation output level?

    At the revenue maximisation output level, marginal revenue (MR) = 0. This means selling another unit will not increase total revenue.

  • How do firms benefit from pursuing a revenue maximisation strategy in the short -term?

    In the short term, firms may benefit from a revenue maximisation strategy by increasing output. This leads to greater economies of scale, which lower average costs. Prices could be reduced to compete more effectively.