Systems Software (OCR A Level Computer Science): Exam Questions

40 mins12 questions
13 marks

A small manufacturing business uses networked computers with closed source application software installed.

Each computer the business uses has a BIOS.

Tick (✓) one box in each row to identify whether each statement in the table is true or false




BIOS stands for Boot Input Output Standard

The BIOS can be used to alter hardware settings, such as which storage device the computer boots from

BIOS settings are stored in RAM

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21 mark

One computer owned by a business monitors critical-safety features of manufacturing. All input data must be processed within a predictable timescale of a fraction of a second.

State the type of operating system that should be used by this computer.

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34 marks

Imogen buys a desktop computer. It comes with an operating system installed

Describe two ways that an operating system could manage physical memory.

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43 marks

Define what is meant by the term ‘device driver’, giving one example of a device driver that a home user would need

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12 marks

Anika’s computer runs a multi-tasking operating system. She has access to a printer and a broadband internet connection through a wireless connection. The operating system uses scheduling algorithms such as first come first served and round-robin.

Explain why the computer’s operating system uses a first come first served algorithm when sending documents to the printer.

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23 marks

Explain why the computer’s operating system uses a round-robin algorithm for allocating processor time.

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32 marks

Describe one other scheduling algorithm.

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42 marks

Explain one benefit of memory management to a user.

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52 marks

Describe how virtual memory allows a user to run programs when physical memory is full.

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16 marks

One computer owned by a business monitors critical-safety features of manufacturing. All input data must be processed within a predictable timescale of a fraction of a second.

The computer uses a real time operating system.

Give the name of three other types of operating system, and for each state its purpose.

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23 marks

When a device such as a keyboard or printer requires attention from the CPU, an interrupt is raised.

Explain how an operating system deals with an interrupt.

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39 marks

Memory management is a key function of an operating system.

Explain how an operating system can manage the memory available to applications and why doing so is important.

You should include the following in your answer:

  • the different actions carried out by an operating system to manage memory

  • how memory that is being managed can be split up

  • why memory management is important.

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