Trees (OCR A Level Computer Science): Revision Note

Jennifer Page

Written by: Jennifer Page

Reviewed by: James Woodhouse

Updated on

Implementing a Tree

How Do You Program a Tree?

In the following example:

  • The tree data structure is represented by a ‘TreeNode’ struct which has a ‘value’ field to store the value of the node and a ’children’ field to hold a collection of child nodes

  • The ‘createTreeNode’ function is used to create a new tree node and initialise its value and an empty children collection 

  • The ‘addChild’ function is used to add a child to a parent node. It creates a new child node with the specified value and appends it to the ‘children’ collection of the parent node

  • Then the ‘createTreeNode’ creates the root node and adds children to it using the ‘addChild’ function. This allows the build up of the tree structure with multiple levels and branches


// Define the Tree Node structure

struct TreeNode {

    value // The value stored in the node

    children // A collection of child nodes


// Create a function to create a new tree node

function createTreeNode(value):

    node = new TreeNode()

    node.value = value

    node.children = []

    return node

// Create the root node of the tree

root = createTreeNode(rootValue)

// Add children to a node

function addChild(parentNode, childValue):

    childNode = createTreeNode(childValue)


// Usage example:

addChild(root, childValue1)

addChild(root, childValue2)

addChild(root, childValue3)

// Add a child to an existing child node

addChild(root.children[0], grandchildValue)

// ...and so on


# Define the Tree Node class

class TreeNode:

    def __init__(self, value):

        self.value = value

        self.children = []

# Create a function to add a child to a node

def add_child(parent_node, child_value):

    child_node = TreeNode(child_value)


# Create the root node of the tree

root_value = "Root"  # Replace with the desired value

root = TreeNode(root_value)

# Add children to the root node

child_value1 = "Child 1"  # Replace with the desired value

child_value2 = "Child 2"  # Replace with the desired value

child_value3 = "Child 3"  # Replace with the desired value

add_child(root, child_value1)

add_child(root, child_value2)

add_child(root, child_value3)

# Add a child to an existing child node

grandchild_value = "Grandchild"  # Replace with the desired value

add_child(root.children[0], grandchild_value)

# Usage example:

print(root.value)  # Output: "Root"

print(root.children[0].value)  # Output: "Child 1"

print(root.children[0].children[0].value)  # Output: "Grandchild"


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.List;

// Define the Tree Node class

class TreeNode {

    String value;

    List<TreeNode> children;

    TreeNode(String value) {

        this.value = value;

        this.children = new ArrayList<>();



public class TreeExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create the root node of the tree

        String rootValue = "Root";

        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(rootValue);

        // Add children to the root node

        String childValue1 = "Child 1";

        String childValue2 = "Child 2";

        String childValue3 = "Child 3";

        addChild(root, childValue1);

        addChild(root, childValue2);

        addChild(root, childValue3);

        // Add a child to an existing child node

        String grandchildValue = "Grandchild";

        addChild(root.children.get(0), grandchildValue);

        // Usage example:


               // Output: "Root"

        // Output: "Child 1"


        // Output: "Grandchild"


    // Create a method to add a child to a node

    public static void addChild(TreeNode parentNode, String childValue) {

        TreeNode childNode = new TreeNode(childValue);




Algorithm to Traverse a Tree

Post Order Traversal

  • Post-Order traversal follows the order:

  1. Left Subtree

  2. Right Subtree

  3. Root Node

  • Using the outline method, nodes are traversed in the order in which you pass them on the right

  • You can recap the theory notes on Tree Data Structures here.

  • Note: The algorithm below shows that this is identical to the other methods of traversing a tree (pre-order and in-order) except for the position of the output statement. You do not require the other two methods for OCR

  • Node is an object with 3 attributes; contains a value, node.left contains a pointer to the left child node and node.right contains a pointer to the right child node

  • As mentioned above, the algorithm will traverse the left subtree, then the right subtree then the root


PROCEDURE post_order_traversal(node)

    // Check any nodes to the left of the current node

    IF node.left != Null THEN




    // Check any nodes to the right of the current node

    IF node.right != Null THEN



    // Output the data of the current node




def post_order_traversal(node):

    # Check any nodes to the left of the current node

    if node.left is not None:


    # Check any nodes to the right of the current node

    if node.right is not None:


    # Output the data of the current node


class Node {

    int data;

    Node left;

    Node right;


class Tree {

    Node root;


public class PostOrderTraversal {

    public static void postOrderTraversal(Node node) {

        if (node != null) {

            // Check any nodes to the left of the current node

            if (node.left != null) {



            // Check any nodes to the right of the current node

            if (node.right != null) {



            // Output the data of the current node




    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create a sample tree

        Tree tree = new Tree();

        tree.root = new Node(); = 1;

        tree.root.left = new Node(); = 2;

        tree.root.right = new Node(); = 3;

        // Perform post-order traversal on the tree




Algorithm to Add Data to a Tree

  • In your exam, the exam board quite often uses binary trees in their questions. The algorithm below will use a binary tree for that reason.

  • The code defines a binary tree and a function to add a new node to the tree. 

  • The binary tree is represented using a class called ‘Node’, where each node has a data value, a left child, and a right child.

  • The add_node function takes two parameters: the root of the binary tree and the value of the new node to be added. 

    • If the tree is empty (root is ‘None’), it creates a new node with the given value and sets it as the root. 

    • Otherwise, it performs a traversal using a queue to find the first available position (either the left or right child of a node) to insert the new node.



  data: INTEGER

  left: NODE

  right: NODE

FUNCTION add_node(tree, value):

  new_node = NODE() = value

  IF tree IS NULL:

    tree = new_node


    current = tree

    WHILE True:

      IF value <

        IF current.left IS NULL:

          current.left = new_node



          current = current.left


        IF current.right IS NULL:

          current.right = new_node



          current = current.right



class Node:

    def __init__(self, data): = data

        self.left = None

        self.right = None

def add_node(root, value):

    if root is None:

        root = Node(value)


        queue = []


        while len(queue) > 0:

            current = queue.pop(0)

            if current.left is None:

                current.left = Node(value)




            if current.right is None:

                current.right = Node(value)




    return root

# Example usage

root = Node(1)

root.left = Node(2)

root.right = Node(3)

print("Before adding node:")

# Perform pre-order traversal to display the tree before adding the node

def pre_order_traversal(node):

    if node is not None:

        print(, end=" ")





root = add_node(root, 4)

print("After adding node:")



import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Queue;

class Node {

    int data;

    Node left;

    Node right;

    public Node(int data) { = data;

        this.left = null;

        this.right = null;



class BinaryTree {

    Node root;

    public void addNode(int value) {

        if (root == null) {

            root = new Node(value);

        } else {

            Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();


            while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

                Node current = queue.poll();

                if (current.left == null) {

                    current.left = new Node(value);


                } else {



                if (current.right == null) {

                    current.right = new Node(value);


                } else {






    // Example usage

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();

        tree.root = new Node(1);

        tree.root.left = new Node(2);

        tree.root.right = new Node(3);

        System.out.println("Before adding node:");

        // Perform pre-order traversal to display the tree before adding the node




        System.out.println("After adding node:");



    // Pre-order traversal method to display the tree

    public static void preOrderTraversal(Node node) {

        if (node != null) {

            System.out.print( + " ");






Algorithm to Remove Data from a Tree

  • Once again, the algorithm below will use a binary tree

  • The find_node function is a function that searches for a node with a given value in the tree. 

  • The remove_node function removes a node with a specified value from the tree, handling three cases:

    • Node has no children (Leaf Node):

      • Remove the node from the tree by setting it to ‘None’.

    • Node has one child:

      • Replace the node with its only child.

    • Node has two children:

      • Find the minimum value node in the right subtree (or the maximum value node in the left subtree).

      • Replace the node's data with the data of the replacement node.

      • Recursively remove the replacement node.

  • The find_minimum function is a function that helps to find the node with the minimum value in a given subtree.



  data: INTEGER

  left: NODE

  right: NODE

FUNCTION find_node(tree, item):

  IF tree IS NULL:


  ELSE IF == item:

    RETURN tree

  ELSE IF item <

    RETURN find_node(tree.left, item)


    RETURN find_node(tree.right, item)


FUNCTION remove_node(tree, item):

  node = find_node(tree, item)


  IF node IS NULL:

    PRINT("Item not found in the tree")


    IF node.left IS NULL AND node.right IS NULL:

      // Case 1: Node has no children

      // Simply remove the node from the tree

      DELETE node

    ELSE IF node.left IS NULL OR node.right IS NULL:

      // Case 2: Node has only one child

      // Replace the node with its child

      IF node.left IS NOT NULL:

        child = node.left


        child = node.right


      UPDATE_PARENT(node, child)

      DELETE node


      // Case 3: Node has two children

      // Find the replacement node (either minimum value in right subtree or maximum value in left subtree)

      replacement = find_minimum(node.right) =






class Node:

    def __init__(self, data): = data

        self.left = None

        self.right = None

def find_node(tree, item):

    if tree is None:

        return None

    elif == item:

        return tree

    elif item <

        return find_node(tree.left, item)


        return find_node(tree.right, item)

def remove_node(tree, item):

    node = find_node(tree, item)


    if node is None:

        print("Item not found in the tree")


        if node.left is None and node.right is None:

            # Case 1: Node has no children

            # Simply remove the node from the tree

            node = None

        elif node.left is None or node.right is None:

            # Case 2: Node has only one child

            # Replace the node with its child

            if node.left is not None:

                child = node.left


                child = node.right


            node.left = child.left

            node.right = child.right


            # Case 3: Node has two children

            # Find the replacement node (minimum value in right subtree)

            replacement = find_minimum(node.right)



def find_minimum(node):

    while node.left is not None:

        node = node.left

    return node

# Example usage

tree = Node(4)

tree.left = Node(2)

tree.right = Node(6)

tree.left.left = Node(1)

tree.left.right = Node(3)

tree.right.left = Node(5)

tree.right.right = Node(7)

remove_node(tree, 2)


class Node {

    int data;

    Node left;

    Node right;

    public Node(int data) { = data;

        this.left = null;

        this.right = null;



class BinaryTree {

    Node root;

    public Node findNode(Node tree, int item) {

        if (tree == null) {

            return null;

        } else if ( == item) {

            return tree;

        } else if (item < {

            return findNode(tree.left, item);

        } else {

            return findNode(tree.right, item);



    public void removeNode(Node tree, int item) {

        Node node = findNode(tree, item);

        if (node == null) {

            System.out.println("Item not found in the tree");

        } else {

            if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {

                // Case 1: Node has no children

                // Simply remove the node from the tree

                node = null;

            } else if (node.left == null || node.right == null) {

                // Case 2: Node has only one child

                // Replace the node with its child

                Node child = (node.left != null) ? node.left : node.right;


                node.left = child.left;

                node.right = child.right;

            } else {

                // Case 3: Node has two children

                // Find the replacement node (minimum value in right subtree)

                Node replacement = findMinimum(node.right);






    public Node findMinimum(Node node) {

        while (node.left != null) {

            node = node.left;


        return node;


    // Example usage

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();

        tree.root = new Node(4);

        tree.root.left = new Node(2);

        tree.root.right = new Node(6);

        tree.root.left.left = new Node(1);

        tree.root.left.right = new Node(3);

        tree.root.right.left = new Node(5);

        tree.root.right.right = new Node(7);

        tree.removeNode(tree.root, 2);



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Jennifer Page

Author: Jennifer Page

Expertise: Computer Science

Jennifer has been teaching various Computing subjects for over 6 years in Northamptonshire across KS3-5. Working currently as a Head of Department as well as being an examiner and moderator for GCSEs. She has previously worked with a local teaching training school to provide training and mentor ECTs in Computing.

James Woodhouse

Author: James Woodhouse

Expertise: Computer Science

James graduated from the University of Sunderland with a degree in ICT and Computing education. He has over 14 years of experience both teaching and leading in Computer Science, specialising in teaching GCSE and A-level. James has held various leadership roles, including Head of Computer Science and coordinator positions for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. James has a keen interest in networking security and technologies aimed at preventing security breaches.