Influences on Business Decisions (Edexcel A Level Business): Exam Questions

2 hours10 questions
14 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering

Using the data in Extract H, explain one long-term benefit to Unilever of adopting a corporate social responsibility strategy

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24 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering 

Using the data in Extract G, explain why Toyota's Model AA share scheme could help solve the problem of short-termism within the business

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34 marks

Read the following extracts (D to G) before answering

Using the information in Extract G, explain one difficulty Sports Direct may face in changing the business culture at its Shirebrook facility

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4 marks

Read the following extracts (D to G) before answering 

Using the information in Extract G, explain one implication for PepsiCo of continuing to source its Tropicana orange juice from Citrosuco

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54 marks

Read the following extracts (D to G) before answering

Explain how one of Taco Bell's internal stakeholders may have an impact on its growth strategy in Brazil

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110 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering

Assess the likely value of Corporate Social Responsibility to a business, such as Cadbury

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28 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering

Assess two ways in which the decision to be a socially responsible business is likely to have increased Warby Parker’s profits

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12 marks

Read the following extracts (D to G) before answering

Assess the likely consequences for Sports Direct of its corporate culture

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120 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering

Unilever’s Chief Executive believes that Unilever should aim to consider all of its stakeholders in its main business decisions. Some business analysts consider that Unilever should instead consider an aim of focusing purely on its shareholders

Evaluate these two aims and recommend which is most suitable for a business, such as Unilever

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220 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering

Health and fitness clubs in the UK have high levels of labour turnover. To reduce this, health and fitness chains could offer either better financial rewards, or use non-financial techniques, to improve employee performance .

Evaluate these two options and recommend which one a health and fitness club, such as Fitness First, should adopt to reduce labour turnover

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