Meeting Customer Needs (Edexcel A Level Business)

Exam Questions

2 hours15 questions
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4 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering.

Air passenger numbers were forecast to grow from 3.5bn people in 2015 to 3.75bn people in 2016

Using the data from Extract A and the information above, calculate the difference in percentage growth in air passenger numbers between 2015 and 2016. You are advised to show your working

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4 marks

Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering

Between 2010 and 2011, the number of music streaming subscribers grew by 62.34%

Using the data from Extract A, calculate, to 2 decimal places, the difference between percentage growth in 2010 to 2011 and that in 2019 to 2020. You are advised to show your working

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4 marks

Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering

In 2018, the value of the UK market for sugar-free sweets was 3% of total sales revenue In 2023, it is forecast to be 5% of total sales revenue

Using the data in Extract A, calculate the change in value of sugar-free sweets sales predicted between 2018 and 2023. State your answer to 2 decimal places. You are advised to show your working

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44 marks

Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering

Explain one way in which a business such as Bon Bon’s adds value to the products it sells

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4 marks

Read the following extracts (D to G) before answering

Using the data in Extract D, calculate the percentage growth in the total McDonald’s restaurants operating in Brazil, between 2012 and 2018. State your answer to 2 decimal places. You are advised to show your working

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4 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering

The UK's £17bn live entertainment industry is forecast to grow by £400m in 2018. Revenue of £2.1bn achieved by live performances is expected to grow by 7% during the same period

Using the information above, calculate the proportion of live entertainment industry revenues expected to be generated from live performances in 2018

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110 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering 

Assess the likely reasons for Hot Chip using mainly quantitative market research data.

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212 marks

Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering.

Assess the consequences to a business, such as Spotify, of operating in a dynamic market.

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38 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering.

Assess two ways restaurant chain companies such as Jamie's Italian 'positively disrupt' the competitive market in which they operate.

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410 marks

Read the following extracts (A to C) before answering

Assess a likely trade-off for Bon Bon’s of not having ‘mass market ambition.’

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510 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering

Assess the possible limitations of secondary market research to restaurant chain companies, such as Jamie Oliver’s

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612 marks

Read the following extracts (A to D) before answering

Assess the likely importance of its market positioning to the success of a business, such as Emirates

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712 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering

Assess the likely value to Derby Theatre of producing and staging shows that recognise the cultural diversity of Derby’s population

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120 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering.

Cost competitiveness and product differentiation are two key strategies to achieve global competitive advantage.

Evaluate these two strategies and recommend which one would be better to achieve a global competitive advantage for a business, such as Cadbury.

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220 marks

Read the following extracts (E to H) before answering.

Derby University has set the objective for Derby Theatre to increase its box office income by 40% by 2022. Its management team has decided that it could either produce and stage more shows that recognise the cultural diversity of Derby’s population or launch a Derby Theatre live tour across the Midlands.

Evaluate these two options and recommend which one would be better to increase Derby Theatre's box office income.

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