Presenting Experimental Data (OCR A Level Biology) : Revision Note
Presenting Experimental Data
There are many different types of experiments that can be conducted in biology
The data collected from biological experiments can vary greatly across the subject
For example, the large amounts of numerical data produced from ecological studies is very different to the drawings produced from microscope slides of live specimens
The nature of an experiment dictates how the data should be presented
It is important that scientists can make the correct judgment when deciding how to present data from an experiment
Collecting data
Qualitative experiments involve collecting and recording observations
Quantitative experiments involve collecting and recording numerical data
Recording experimental data in a table is important for any type of experiment
The table used will vary considerably depending on the specific requirements
When constructing such a table:
Draw lines with a ruler to separate cells
Use appropriate headings
Use the correct units and symbols (in the headings, not the cells)
The independent variable should be in the first column
Any dependent variable readings should be in the subsequent columns

Examples of a table that has been correctly constructed for an experiment
Processing data
Depending on the type of experiment, data is processed using different methods (before being analysed)
Some data does not require any processing, like drawings from life
Qualitative results can't be processed mathematically (there isn't any numerical data) but the observations can be analysed
The observations may be compared to a standard or other experimental work
Quantitative results must be processed using mathematical skills prior to analysis
Simple calculations work out means and rates
Further calculations are done to obtain information surrounding means (standard deviation and standard error)
Statistical tests are performed to better understand the results (chi-squared and t-test etc.)
In addition to these mathematical calculations, the data can be presented in graphical form
Graphs, bar charts, and histograms can be used to display quantitative data
The type of graphical format used depends on the data
For qualitative and discrete data, bar charts or pie charts are most suitable
For continuous data, line graphs or scatter graphs are most suitable
Any graph drawn should have:
The appropriate scale with equal intervals
Labelled axes with the correct units
Straight lines drawn with a ruler

The line graph has been used to display continuous data over time while the bar chart has been used to display grouped data
Precision & Accuracy
The certainty of any conclusions made from an experiment are impacted by the precision and accuracy of measurements and data
It is a very common mistake to confuse precision with accuracy – measurements can be precise but not accurate if each measurement reading has the same error
Precision refers to the ability to take multiple readings with an instrument that are close to each other, whereas accuracy is the closeness of those measurements to the true value
Precise measurements are ones in which there is very little spread about the mean value, in other words, how close the measured values are to each other
If a measurement is repeated several times, it can be described as precise when the values are very similar to, or the same as, each other
The precision of a measurement is reflected in the values recorded – measurements to a greater number of decimal places are said to be more precise than those to a whole number
Random errors cause unpredictable fluctuations in an instrument’s readings as a result of uncontrollable factors, such as environmental conditions
This affects the precision of the measurements taken, causing a wider spread of results about the mean value
To reduce random error:
Repeat measurements several times and calculate an average from them
A measurement is considered accurate if it is close to the true value
Systematic errors arise from the use of faulty instruments used or from flaws in the experimental method
This type of error is repeated consistently every time the instrument is used or the method is followed, which affects the accuracy of all readings obtained
To reduce systematic errors:
Instruments should be recalibrated, or different instruments should be used
Corrections or adjustments should be made to the technique

The difference between precise and accurate results
Measurements of quantities are made with the aim of finding the true value of that quantity
In reality, it is impossible to obtain the true value of any quantity as there will always be a degree of uncertainty
Uncertainty is the amount of error your measurements might contain
Results from experiments always contain some error (they are never perfect)
There will always be a small degree of uncertainty in your readings or measurements
This is often because the accuracy and precision of the apparatus being used is limited
The margins of error of the apparatus are usually displayed on the glassware
These margins of error can be used to calculate percentage error
Percentage error helps to quantify the margin of error and its possible impact on the results
For example, you may want to measure a reaction rate by measuring how much of a product is made in a given time period (e.g. using a gas syringe to measure the volume of oxygen produced from the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase)
The gas syringe may only give readings to the nearest 1 cm3
The gas syringe has a margin of error of ± 0.05 cm3
A ‘±’ sign tells you the range in which the true value lies
The real volume produced could be up to 0.05 cm3 smaller or larger
For experiments, you may need to calculate the percentage error of your measurements
As long as you know the uncertainty value of your measurements, the percentage error can be calculated using the following formula:
percentage error = (uncertainty value ÷ your measurement) x 100
A percentage error less than 5% is considered statistically not significant
Choosing the apparatus with the right resolution
Resolution is the smallest change in the quantity being measured of a measuring instrument that gives a perceptible change in the reading
For example, the resolution of a wristwatch is 1 s, whereas the resolution of a digital stop-clock is typically 10 ms (0.01 s)
In imaging, resolution can also be described as the ability to see two structures as two separate structures rather than as one fuzzy entity
When choosing measuring instruments, instruments with an appropriate measuring scale need to be used
Smaller measuring instruments have higher resolution scales due to the smaller graduations on the scale. This means they have smaller margins of error
For example, measuring 5 cm3 of a liquid using a 500 cm3 measuring cylinder would be very difficult. A 10cm3 measuring cylinder would be a more appropriate choice as the measuring scale is of a higher resolution

Smaller measuring instruments tend to have higher resolution measurements and a smaller margin of error. Make sure to always choose the appropriate instrument for the experiment
Worked Example
In an enzyme rate reaction involving the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase, 50 cm3 of oxygen was produced, with an uncertainty value of 0.05 cm3. Calculate the percentage error of this measurement.
Percentage error = (uncertainty value ÷ your measurement) x 100
Percentage error = (0.05 ÷ 50) x 100
Percentage error = 0.001 x 100
Percentage error = 0.1%
Worked Example
In an enzyme rate experiment involving the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide by catalase, a student recorded that 10 cm3 of oxygen was produced in 5.245 seconds. The student measured this using a stopwatch that counted in milliseconds. Calculate the percentage error of the stopwatch measurements.
Step 1: Calculate the uncertainty value
The stopwatch can measure to the nearest millisecond (0.001 seconds)
This means the actual time taken could be up to 0.0005 seconds shorter or longer than this
This means stopwatch measurements have an uncertainty value of ± 0.0005 s
Step 2: Calculate the percentage error of the student’s measurement of 5.245 seconds
Percentage error = (uncertainty value ÷ your measurement) x 100
Percentage error = (0.0005 ÷ 5.245) x 100
Percentage error = 0.000095 x 100
Percentage error = 0.0095% or 0.01%
Qualitative and Quantitative Results
There are two types of experiment, which in turn obtain two kinds of results:
Qualitative experiments are used to obtain qualitative results
Observations are recorded without collecting numerical data
For example, the starch test using iodine is a qualitative test - a colour change is recorded
Other common qualitative measurements include smells, tastes, textures, sounds and descriptions of the weather or of a particular habitat
Quantitative experiments are used to obtain quantitative results
Numerical data is collected and recorded
For example, recording the percentage cover of a plant species using a quadrat - a numerical value (a percentage) is recorded
Other common quantitative measurements include temperature, pH, time, volume, length and mass
In order to collect numerical data, a quantitative experiment must use apparatus that measures or collects this type of data
Recording qualitative and quantitative results
Qualitative results are most often recorded in the form of words, short sentences and descriptions, such as describing a colour change, making a note of someone's opinion, describing the appearance or behaviour of an organism, or describing a chemical reaction
Quantitative results must all be recorded to the same number of decimal places but processed data can be recorded to the same number of decimal places or to one more decimal place than the raw data
For example, the mean of 11, 12 and 14 can be recorded as 12 or 12.3 but not 12.3333333
Reaching valid conclusions from qualitative and quantitative results
It could be argued that qualitative results can be more subjective (i.e. influenced by the person making the observations), but in fact, both types of results are subject to bias and error
Tools and systems for data gathering and recording are important for both
Care should be taken when making qualitative observations to keep them as objective as possible (i.e. not allowing observations to be influenced by the person making them)
In terms of scientific research (and especially in biological experiments sometimes), one type of results is not necessarily better than the other
The value of qualitative and quantitative data depends on the thing being observed and the purpose of the experiment
Sometimes it’s important and very useful to use both
In the example table below, both qualitative and quantitative observations have been recorded whilst observing a field of butterflies and both sets of observations can be useful in drawing conclusions (although as always, the validity of any conclusions drawn can be increased by repeating the experiments and gathering more data)
Qualitative and Quantitative Observations Table

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