Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2023

First exams 2025


Structure of Transport Tissues (CIE A Level Biology)

Topic Questions

2 hours39 questions
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2 marks

Fig. 1 below shows the distribution of vascular tissue in two different parts of a plant.


Fig. 1

Name the tissues present in each of the regions labelled 1-4.

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The distribution of tissues shown by the regions labelled 1 and 2 is different to that shown by the regions labelled 3 and 4 in Fig. 1.

Identify the part of a plant in which the distribution of vascular tissue is correctly represented by:


Regions 1 and 2.


Regions 3 and 4.


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4 marks

Fig. 2 below shows a student's attempt at a low-power drawing made from a microscope slide.


Fig. 2

Identify four errors in the student's low-power drawing in Fig. 2

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2 marks

The cambium, labelled on Fig. 2, is a region that contains plant stem cells.

Define the term stem cell.

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3 marks

Fig. 1 below shows a leaf cross-section tissue map.


Fig. 1

Identify the structures labelled Xand Z.

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2 marks

Give the roles of structures X and Y.

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4 marks

Explain two ways in which structure X is adapted to carry out its function.

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1 mark

Fig. 1 is an example of a low-power plan.

State how the appearance of a high-power plan would differ from Fig. 1.

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4 marks

Fig. 1 shows a high-power drawing of a section of a plant when viewed under a microscope.


Fig. 1


Identify the part of a plant from which the drawing is taken.


Identify the structures labelled P, Q and R.


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2 marks

As stated in part (a), Fig. 1 is a high-power drawing.


State one feature that is visible in Fig. 1 that indicates that this is a high-power drawing.



State one feature that is absent from Fig. 1 that we might expect to see in a high-power drawing.


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2 marks

Chloroplasts are not visible in Fig. 1.

Suggest why this might be the case.

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2 marks

Phloem is a type of transport tissue found in plants.

Explain why plants need transport tissues.

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3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a representation of two different vascular structures found in plants.


Fig. 1


Identify structure A in Fig. 1.



Give two reasons for your answer to part (i)


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Identify two features of structure A in Fig. 1 that are not visible in the diagram.

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Structure B in Fig. 1 does not accurately reflect the tissue type that it represents.

Explain why this is the case.

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Explain how two features of structure B in Fig. 1 aid its function.

Note that in this case, the features do not have to be visible in the diagram for credit to be awarded.

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1a3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a cross-section through the vascular tissue in a mature buttercup root taken using a light microscope under high power.


Fig. 1

Identify X, Y, and Z.

1b4 marks

Explain how the structure of tissue X is related to its function.

1c2 marks

Water moves through vascular tissue in a continuous column.

Explain how the structure of water molecules enables this.

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2a3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a transverse section of xylem tissue viewed under a light microscope.


Fig. 1


Identify an adaptation of xylem vessels that is visible in Fig. 1.



Explain how the feature identified in part (i) aids xylem vessel function.


2b3 marks

Fig. 1 was generated using a light microscope.

Explain why light microscopes have a lower maximum magnification than electron microscopes.

2c5 marks

Xylem vessels are distributed differently in different parts of plants.

Describe the distribution of xylem tissue in the stems, roots, and leaves of dicotyledonous plants.

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1 mark

Meristematic tissue is found in the growing regions of plants, such as shoot tips. Meristematic cells have a similar role to stem cells in animals.

Fig. 1 shows some of the stages in the formation of a mature phloem sieve tube element and companion cells from a meristematic cell.


Fig. 1

Cells E and F in Fig. 1 are daughter cells produced when the meristematic cell divides in the shoot tip.

Suggest why it is important that one of the daughter cells (cell E) is another meristematic cell.

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3 marks

Complete Table 1 to describe the changes that are shown in Fig. 1 between stages:

F and G
G and H
H and J.

Table 1

stages description
F and G  
G and H  
H and J  

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4 marks

Explain how the structure of a mature sieve tube element is related to its function.

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2 marks

Describe the functions of companion cells in transport in the phloem.

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Fig. 1 below shows a micrograph of part of a leaf.


Berkshire Community College, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Fig. 1

The leaf shown in Fig. 1 is upside down.

Explain how we can see from the image that this is the case.

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2 marks

Structures R and S in Fig. 1 make up a single vascular bundle.

Describe the distribution of vascular bundles in a leaf.

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2 marks

Explain why structures R and S are present in the leaves of plants.

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4 marks

A student produced a low-power plan diagram of Fig. 1.

State the leaf features that would be visible on the student's diagram.

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1a2 marks

Fig. 1 shows the structure of plasmodesmata; these are channels that exist between some types of plant cell that allow the transport of substances.


Fig. 1

Suggest why plant cells need plasmodesmata while animal cells do not.

1b3 marks

Within the cytoplasm of the plasmodesmata is a structure known as the desmotubule; a column of specialised endoplasmic reticulum that connects to the cell surface membrane via a series of actin and myosin proteins. Actin and myosin proteins are the contractile elements of animal muscle cells.

Suggest a possible function of the desmotubule.

1c2 marks

State the location of plasmodesmata in the vascular tissue of plants



Describe the role of plasmodesmata in the location identified in part (i).


1d3 marks

Other than the role of plasmodesmata described in part (c), give three substances that might move from one cell to another via plasmodesmata.

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2 marks

Fig. 1 shows a cross-section through a leaf viewed at a magnification of x250.


Fig. 1

Calculate the actual size of a palisade mesophyll cell shown in Fig. 1.

Show your working and include appropriate units.

2b4 marks

Contrast the structures of the tissues labelled P and Q in Fig. 1.

2c6 marks

A student viewed a section of plant tissue under a light microscope. The tissue viewed is shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2

Draw a low-power plan diagram of the plant tissue shown in Fig. 2.

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6 marks

The vascular system of plants has been likened to the circulatory system in animals such as humans. 

Discuss the idea that the plant vascular system and the human circulatory system are comparable. 

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2 marks

Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth.


Use your knowledge of plant structure to suggest which compound ranks second in the list of abundant organic polymers.



Explain your answer to part (i).


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The compound referred to in part (b) is highly hydrophobic in nature.

Suggest how this helps it to carry out its role.

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4 marks

Lignin is an organic polymer found within the cell walls of plants. Fig. 1 shows several arrangements that can be formed by lignin within xylem cell walls.

Note that the lignin is represented by dark grey areas, while non-lignified regions are shown in light grey.


Fig. 1

Suggest possible advantages of the different lignin arrangements found in plants.

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4 marks

Fig. 2 below shows a section of vascular tissue in a woody plant stem.


Public domain, via Flickr

Fig. 2

Fig. 2 shows the following features:

  • Tracheids
  • Xylem vessels
  • Bordered pits
  • Parenchyma cells

Note that tracheids are tapered vessels with closed ends that transport water.

Use the information provided and your own knowledge to add labels to Fig. 2 that show the locations of the four features listed above.

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3 marks

Use Fig. 2 to produce a biological drawing that shows at least three different structures within the vascular tissue.

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