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Replication & Division of Nuclei & Cells (CIE A Level Biology)

Topic Questions

2 hours41 questions
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3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a chromosome from the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell.


Fig. 1

With references to Fig. 1, describe the general structure of a chromosome.

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1 mark

State one phase of the mitotic cell cycle during which the chromosomes would have the appearance of the chromosome in Fig. 1.

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2 marks

A horse (Equus caballus) has 64 chromosomes in the nucleus of each body cell. Calculate the number of chromosomes that will be present in the cell by the end of anaphase of mitosis.

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Explain the importance of mitosis to living organisms.

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During the process of fertilisation a totipotent zygote is formed.

Define the term totipotent.

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4 marks

Stem cells are also found in various parts of the adult human body.


State two places in the body where adult stem cells can be found.



Describe the purpose of these stem cells.


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3 marks

Telomeres are structures found at the ends of chromosomes which ensure that no genetic information is lost during cell division.


Identify the enzyme responsible for maintaining the length of the telomeres.



Explain why specialised cells lose their ability to divide.


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1 mark

New stem cell therapies being trialled involve the use of cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). To produce iPSCs, adult body cells (such as skin and blood cells) are genetically reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells.

Suggest an advantage of using iPSCs in stem cell therapy.

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2 marks

Fig. 1 shows a representation of the events that take place during the cell cycle.


Fig. 1


Identify the phase of the cell cycle during which DNA replication occurs.



Describe the events that take place during G1.


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The M phase of the cell cycle in Fig. 1 involves cell division by mitosis. The frequency of mitosis depends on the length of time that the cell spends completing the cell cycle.

A single human cell takes 12 hours to complete one cell cycle.

Calculate the number of cells present after 4 days if the cell cycle proceeds at a constant rate.

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(i)      Identify the phase of the cell cycle that immediately follows the M phase.



Describe how this phase would occur in a plant cell.


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Mutations of the genes controlling the cell cycle may cause cancer in humans.

State the name of these cancer-causing genes.

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Interphase is often described as a 'resting phase'.

Explain why this is not a suitable description for cells in interphase.

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The length of the cell cycle can vary considerably between different tissues within the same organism and is carefully controlled by chemical signals such as cyclins. Suggest the importance of such control in mammals.

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Fig. 1 represents an animal cell in the process of dividing.

5-1-fig-2-1Fig. 1

Other than reasons relating to cell structure, state two features of Fig. 1 that show that this is an animal cell and not a plant cell.

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The genetic differences that occur within populations allow them to be more resilient to change in their environment. Suggest why organisms that reproduce asexually will be more susceptible to extinction if there is a change in their environment.

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Describe the role of telomeres in chromosomes.

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Telomerase is an enzyme that adds bases to the ends of telomeres. The antibiotic β-Rubromycin has a range of medical uses, one of which is as an inhibitor of human telomerase. Suggest how β-Rubromycin could be utilised as a cancer treatment drug

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Skin cells complete the cell cycle in a very short amount of time. Suggest the advantage of this.

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The average time required for a human skin cell to complete the cell cycle is 2 hours 50 minutes. Calculate the time required for one skin cell to multiply to produce 16 cells. Give your answer in minutes.

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Define the term stem cell.



State the importance of stem cells in the human body.


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Fig. 1 shows stem cells from different stages of human development.

Fig. 1

Contrast the stem cells of the zygote and the foetal/adult stem cells.

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Embryonic stem cells taken from blastocysts are highly sought after in stem cell research and therapy.

Explain the potential use of these embryonic stem cells in stem cell therapy.

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Specialised cells lose the ability to divide by mitosis.


Suggest how the activity of telomerase differs between stem cells and specialised cells



Explain your answer to part (i).


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The risk of developing breast cancer was investigated in woman of different ages in the US.

Fig. 1 shows the results of this investigation.

Fig. 1

Describe the results of the investigation shown in Fig. 1.

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Suggest two possible explanations for the results seen in Fig. 1.

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Tumours can be either benign or malignant.

Contrast benign and malignant tumours.

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5 marks

Describe the stages in the development of cancer.

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The response of the human body to tissue damage depends on the types of tissues involved. Epithelial tissue, liver tissue and cardiac muscle tissue each respond differently to damage.

  • Epithelial tissue of the gas exchange system contains stem cells.
  • Liver tissue contains cells in a non‐dividing state that can enter a cell cycle when stimulated.
  • Cardiac muscle tissue contains cells that cannot divide at all. Damage is permanent and is associated with scar tissue formation.

Explain the importance of mitosis in the repair of damaged tissue.

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Explain why stem cells are important in tissue repair.

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Following liver tissue damage, chemicals are produced and released into the circulation. These chemicals are able to stimulate the liver cells to help tissue repair.

Explain how this is an example of cell signalling.

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4 marks

Fig. 1 is a diagram of a monomer of the nucleic acid, messenger RNA.fig3-1-qp-octnov-2018-9700-23

Fig. 1
Name D, E and F in Fig. 1.

State one way in which the structure of DNA differs from the structure of messenger RNA.

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4 marks
Telomeres are repeating sequences of bases located at the ends of DNA molecules.
These repeating sequences do not code for proteins.

The enzyme telomerase ensures that telomeres do not shorten each time DNA is replicated.

Fig. 2A shows the end of a DNA molecule during replication. DNA polymerase cannot attach to the region labelled X, so it cannot complete the synthesis of the new strand without the action of telomerase.

Telomerase synthesises additional lengths of DNA that are added to the telomere. These additional lengths are used by DNA polymerase to complete the process of replication.

Fig. 2B is an enlarged view of region X to show the action of the enzyme telomerase.

Fig. 2

Telomerase contains a short length of RNA that acts as a template for the synthesis of DNA as shown in Fig. 2B.

Explain how a molecule of telomerase synthesises additional lengths of DNA.
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Telomerase is not present in prokaryotic cells.

Suggest why prokaryotes do not have telomerase.

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2 marks

One of the ways to diagnose lung cancer is to determine the concentration of telomerase in cells from the lining of the bronchus.

Explain why determining the activity of telomerase may be useful in the diagnosis of lung cancer.

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Bowel cancer can result from adenoma polyps. Adenoma polyps form as a result of mutations occurring in dividing cells of the colon lining.

Suggest the differences in the cell cycle of a cancer cell compared with that of a normal intestinal cell.

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3 marks

Compare and contrast the process of cytokinesis in plants and animals.

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Before the cell progresses from G1 into S phase, it needs to pass through a checkpoint, which prevents the cell cycle from proceeding if certain conditions are not met. Suggest one reason why a cell might not progress through the checkpoint.

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Fig. 1 below shows data produced from a flow cytometer. This measures the number of cells that are labelled with DNA bound to a fluorescent dye, as this is proportional to DNA content. The stages of the cell cycle are indicated.


Fig. 1

Suggest why, during the S phase, that the amount of DNA per cell is between 2n and 4n.

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A team of biologists estimated the number of cells in different phases of the cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast). They took two samples, A and B, from different environmental conditions. One sample came from a nutrient-rich environment, the other from a nutrient-poor environment.

Their results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Phase of the cell cycle Sample A / number of cells counted Sample B / number of cells counted
















In sample A, a full cell cycle took 1 hour and 35 minutes, whereas, in sample B, a full cell cycle took 60 minutes. 

Calculate the time, in minutes, that the cells in sample A were in S phase during one cycle. Show your working.

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The biologists studying the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast) from part (a) hypothesised that when the yeast was exposed to stressful conditions, the growth rates were low. 

Suggest, with a reason, which sample came from the nutrient-rich conditions.

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The availability of nutrients is also a key factor in regulating the cell cycle of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast).  Below is Table 2 containing data scientists collected for two sites which were deficient in nitrogen and phosphate. 

Table 2

Phase of the cell cycle Deficient in nitrogen 
/ number of cells counted
Deficient in phosphate /
number of cells counted
G1 207 181
S 135 118
G2 90 79
Mitosis 0 0
Total 432 378

Deduce, giving a reason, the point at which a nutrient-poor environment would stop the cell cycle of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

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2 marks

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae (brewer's yeast) nuclei are, on average, 2 µm in diameter, but the DNA molecules packed into them have been measured up to 355 µm in length. 

Describe the process that enables the DNA molecules, that comprise the 16 chromosomes of yeast, to be packed into the nuclei.

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4a3 marks

Eukaryotes all possess a haploid number of chromosomes, denoted as n. The value of n varies from species to species. 

Chickens have n = 39.

Complete Table 1 below as it applies to chickens.

Table 1

Stage of the Cell Cycle / 

Type of cell

Number of chromosomes contained in a cell

At beginning of cell cycle

Somatic cell


G1 stage of interphase

Somatic cell


G2 stage of interphase

Somatic cell


After cytokinesis

Somatic cell





4b1 mark

A chicken has approximately 40% of the DNA of a human in its genome, whereas it possesses a higher haploid number of chromosomes (n = 39, versus n = 23 for humans). Explain this apparent contradiction. 

4c4 marks

Describe and explain the factors that influence the duration of the cell cycle in multicellular organisms. 

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The human genome contains 2.9 x 109 base pairs. The S phase of a particular fast-growing cell type lasts 8 hours.

Given that DNA polymerase has a replication rate of 40 nucleotides s-1 enzyme molecule-1, calculate the number of DNA polymerase molecules in operation during S phase.

State your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures. 

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