Syllabus Edition

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First exams 2025


Cells as the Basic Units of Living Organisms (CIE A Level Biology)

Topic Questions

3 hours45 questions
1a3 marks

Fig. 1 shows part of a plant cell as seen with an electron microscope.


Fig. 1

Identify three features shown in Fig. 1 that show that this cell is eukaryotic.

1b2 marks

Give two ways in which a typical animal cell differs from the cell shown in Fig. 1

1c2 marks

Fig. 2 below shows a cross-section of a leaf taken using a light microscope with a magnification of x250.


Fig. 2

State the function of a palisade cell (labelled A) and use detail shown in Fig. 2 to explain how it is specialised for this function.

1d2 marks

Fig. 3 shows an electron micrograph of part of a plant cell.


Fig. 3

Identify the organelle shown in the electron micrograph, as well as the part of the organelle labelled X.

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2a2 marks

Fig. 1 below shows a diagram of a cholera bacterium.

Fig. 1

Identify W and X and state the function of each.

2b3 marks

Give three structures that are present in an animal cell but are not present in a cholera bacterium.

2c2 marks

An outbreak of cholera occurred in London in 1849. Fig.2 below shows the relationship between the number of deaths from cholera and the height at which people lived above sea level.

Fig. 2

Describe the results shown in Fig.2.

2d2 marks

Cholera is a bacterial disease, but some infectious diseases are caused by viruses. Fig. 3 below shows an example of a virus particle.

Fig. 3

Identify the structures labelled A and B in Fig. 3

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Cells use ATP for a number of processes. 


State the process from which cells obtain ATP.



Identify the organelle where this process takes place. 


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State one process inside cells that requires ATP. 

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Bacterial cells require ATP for many of their cellular processes.

State an organelle that is present inside all prokaryotic cells that is not present in eukaryotic cells. 

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3 marks

Some structures are always absent from prokaryotic cells.

Identify three structures that are always absent from prokaryotic cells.

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2 marks

State two features that are present in all viruses.

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1 mark

State the name of the virus that causes the disease AIDS.

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3 marks

Identify the words missing from the sentences below.

Choose your words from the box; you may use the words once, more than once, or not at all.

 non-living  living  penicillin MRSA eukaryotic prokaryotic viruses bacteria

Animal and plant cells are _______________ while bacterial cells are _________________ .

_____________ are not classified with either of these cell types as they are generally considered to be ___________________.

Antibiotics, such as ___________, have no effect on _____________. 

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Viruses are much smaller than both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 

State the typical size of prokaryotic cells. 

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3 marks

Structures V to Z are parts of a plant cell.

V cell wall
W chloroplast
X nucleus
Y mitochondrion
Z Golgi apparatus

Complete Table 1 by putting the correct letter, VWXY or Z in the box next to each statement.

Table 1

Statement Letter
 Has stacked membranes arranged in parallel and contains DNA  
 The process of transcription happens here  
 Is an organelle and is not surrounded by two membranes  

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3 marks

Fig.1 below shows the structure of a eukaryotic cell. 


Fig. 1

State the name and function of organelles A to C in Fig. 1.

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1 mark

Describe the role of the cell surface membrane.

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2 marks

In addition to the cell surface membrane, eukaryotic cells have many internal membrane-bound structures, including structures called lysosomes. 

Describe the structure of lysosomes and their role within cells. 

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1a2 marks

Fig. 1 shows a student's drawing of a transmission electron micrograph of part of a cell from the lining of the small intestine.


Fig. 1

Name the structures labelled X and suggest how these structures facilitate the absorption of food molecules from the small intestine.

1b2 marks

Explain how the presence of mitochondria is beneficial to cells.

1c3 marks

An example of a unicellular eukaryotic organism (an amoeba) is shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2

Identify organelle A and describe its function.

1d3 marks

Organelle A in Fig. 2 can be identified with an electron microscope but cannot be identified using a light microscope.

Give three other structures in a eukaryotic cell for which this is also true.

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2a2 marks

Fig. 1 shows the structure of the single-celled organism Chlamydomonas.


Fig. 1

State whether Chlamydomonas is a eukaryotic cell or a prokaryotic cell. Give a reason for your answer.

2b3 marks

Chlamydomonas is a genus of green algae that contain chloroplasts.

Describe the function of chloroplasts and the structural features that enable them to carry out this function.

2c2 marks

Suggest the role of the light-sensitive spot and flagella shown in Fig. 1.

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3 marks

Aphids are small insects which feed directly on phloem sap.

The salivary glands of aphids have secretory cells that make and release a variety of proteins that assist in feeding.

Fig. 1 is a transmission electron micrograph of a small area of a salivary gland cell of an aphid.


Fig. 1

Describe the role of Golgi bodies in secretory cells, such as the salivary gland cells of aphids.

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4 marks

Explain why secretory cells have large numbers of mitochondria.


Mitochondria are partly controlled by the nucleus, but can also function independently.

Suggest the features of mitochondria that allow them to function independently of the nucleus.

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Aphids are important vectors of plant viral diseases.


Describe the structure of a typical virus.



Suggest how viruses are able to pass from one plant cell to the next without crossing membranes.


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Contrast the structure of a prokaryotic cell, as found in a typical bacterium, with the structure of typical eukaryotic cells in plants and animals.

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2 marks

Plant and animal cells can also be contrasted. 

Identify two structures present in plant cells that are not present in animal cells.

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3 marks
Fig. 1 shows an organelle found in both animal and plant cells. 


Fig. 1


Identify the organelle.



Describe the feature(s) visible in Fig.1 that identify this organelle. 



Label these features on Fig. 1. 


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Both animal and plant cells produce and release proteins.

Outline the role of organelles in the production, transport and release of proteins from eukaryotic cells.

Do not include details of transcription and translation in your answer.

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2 marks
Fig. 1 shows a drawing of an animal cell as seen through an electron microscope. 


Fig. 1 

Identify the organelles labelled L and M. 

5b2 marks

Suggest why the shapes of the two organelles labelled O in Fig. 1 appear different.

5c1 mark

Give the function of organelle M in Fig. 1

5d2 marks

Large numbers of organelle O (in Fig. 1) are found in the cells that line the small intestine. 

Suggest why these cells are adapted in this way. 

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1a2 marks

Bacteriophages are viruses that kill bacteria. Researchers investigated the use of bacteriophages to alleviate the symptoms of bacterial lung infections. They inoculated the lungs of rats with a pathogenic bacterium. The rats were then divided into two groups, J and K:

    • The rats in group J were untreated.
    • The rats in group K were given bacteriophage treatment by means of an aerosol spray that they inhaled.

After 5 days the researchers killed the rats and excised (dissected out) their lungs. The lungs were washed out with a set volume of fluid. The researchers used a technique to count the number of live bacteria in the fluid. Fig. 1 below shows the researchers’ results. The mean and the range of data are shown for each group.


Fig. 1

Suggest the following for this investigation:


The scientists’ null hypothesis.



The scientists' experimental hypothesis.


1b3 marks

Using only the graph in Fig. 1, assess the effectiveness of the bacteriophage in treating lung infection in rats.

Do not consider statistical analyses in your answer.

1c5 marks

Compare and contrast the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

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3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a series of electron micrographs.

Cell organelles micrograph

Fig. 1

Identify the main cellular structures visible in micrographs J, K, and L.

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2 marks

Explain how the cellular structure in micrograph J in Fig. 1 is adapted for its role.

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Compare and contrast the cellular structures visible in micrographs K and L in Fig. 1.

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2 marks

The cellular structure visible in micrograph J in Fig. 1 measures 9.2 cm from end-to-end, and the micrograph image has a magnification of x110 000.

Calculate the actual length of the cellular structure in micrograph J. Give your answer in micrometers.

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3 marks

Fig. 1 shows a micrograph of an influenza virus.

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Fig. 1

Identify structures X, Y and Z.

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The virus in Fig. 1 has a diameter of 70 nm.


State the type of microscope used to capture the micrograph in Fig. 1.


Explain how you reached your answer to part (i).


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2 marks

Fig. 2 shows a cell that has been infected by a virus.


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Fig. 2

Suggest an explanation for the appearance of the cell in Fig. 2.

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Other than virus particles, name three other cellular structures that are visible in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 1 shows a micrograph of a cell.

CC0, via pixnio

Fig. 1


Identify the cell type shown in Fig. 1.



Explain how you reached your answer to part (i).


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2 marks

The scale bar in Fig. 1 measures 5.8 cm with a ruler.

Calculate the magnification of the micrograph in Fig. 1.

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3 marks

Fig. 2 shows a micrograph cross-section of a type of structure sometimes found on the surface of the cell type shown in Fig. 1. The structure is made up of multiple pairs of protein cylinders in a circular arrangement.


Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Fig. 2


Suggest the name of the structure in Fig. 2.



Describe the composition of the protein cylinders that make up the structure in Fig. 2.


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1 mark

State the role of the structures in Fig. 2 in the cell type shown in Fig. 1.

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3 marks

Table 1 contains information on the percentage of total cell membrane found in some different cell organelles in liver cells and in pancreas cells.

Note that not all organelles have been included, so the totals do not add up to 100 %.

Table 1

Organelle in which membrane is found Percentage of total cell membrane
Liver cell Pancreas cell
Plasma membrane 2 5
Rough ER 35 60
Smooth ER 16 <1
Golgi apparatus 7 10
Outer mitochondrial membrane 7 4
Inner mitochondrial membrane 32 17
Nuclear membrane 0.2 0.7

Give three conclusions about the comparative activities of liver and pancreas cells that can be drawn from the data in Table 1.

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3 marks

Predict how the data in Table 1 would be different for:

A prokaryotic cell.



A plant cell.


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2 marks

Table 2 contains information about the volume and surface area of liver and pancreas cells.

Table 2

Cell type Cell volume / μm3 Cell outer surface area / μm2
Liver cell 5 000 110 000
Pancreas cell 1 200 13 000

Calculate the surface area to volume ratio for:


Liver cells



Pancreas cells


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3 marks

The micrograph below shows a cell from the pancreas.


Fig. 1


Identify one organelle visible in the micrograph that is not listed in Table 1.



Describe the role of the organelle identified in part (i).


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