Suggest the mechanism by which the defensive enzymes destroy bacterial pathogens (lines 9-10).
A stimulus can result in the expression of genes.
Suggest how the signal proteins cause the expression of the defensive enzyme genes (lines 9-13).
Pepper plants can transmit signal proteins both into the air and also through mycorrhizal networks (lines 10–14).
Suggest which method of signal protein transmission is more likely to be effective. Justify your answer.
In pepper plants the largest increase in defensive enzyme secretion observed in response to the presence of the signal protein was 119.4 % (lines 19–20).
The rate of secretion of the defensive enzymes before the presence of signal protein was 500 µmol dm−3 g−1 hour−1.
Calculate the rate of secretion per minute after the response to the presence of signal protein.
A journalist who read the text above concluded that farmers should not be allowed to use fertilisers to increase the yield of pepper plants.
Evaluate their conclusion.
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