Species & Taxonomy (AQA A Level Biology): Exam Questions

2 hours15 questions
1a1 mark

In relation to two individual animals that mate and produce offspring, using a tick (✓) , identify the one property of the offspring from the list below that defines whether the parents are from the same species.

 Properties of the offspring


Same call/voice


Similar appearance


Diploid number is odd




High appetite for food

1b2 marks

Define the term courtship in animal behaviour and state its purpose. 

1c2 marks

The bowerbird is native to forests in Australia and Papua New Guinea and there are 20 different species.  It has an elaborate courtship ritual in which, for some species, the male constructs a shelter (or bower) from twigs and sticks, also decorating his bower with ornaments found in the vicinity, such as berries, petals, nuts and even brightly-coloured objects left behind by humans. The female is attracted visually to such a bower, inspects it, and if it is to her liking, allows the male to mate with her. 

Some species of bowerbird construct a bower with a roof, others do not. Explain how this aids in species recognition. 

1d1 mark

Another example of a courtship ritual is a courtship dance, a series of physical moves and calls in a sequence that denotes a precise species. Suggest an example of how a courtship dance might differ in a closely-related species.  

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2a2 marks

Table 1 shows a number of statements about taxonomy. 

Table 1



 An organism can belong to two taxonomic groups at the same   time


 Phylum is the highest rank


 Taxonomy uses a system of hierarchical groups to classify   organisms


 Family is the third-lowest rank


Complete Table 1 by identifying each statement as TRUE or FALSE

2b2 marks

The three domains system is one mechanism of classifying organisms. The domains are shown in Figure 1 below:

Figure 1


State two differences that would be seen between the cells of the bacteria and archaea kingdoms, and the cells of the eukarya kingdom.

2c1 mark

Domain is the highest of the taxa, and other taxa form a hierarchy within each domain. The taxonomy of the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus, more commonly known as bladderwrack, is shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2

















State which letter between A-C in Table 2 represents the order to which bladderwrack belongs.

2d2 marks

Use the information provided to identify the missing names represented by letters D and E in Table 2.

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3a2 marks

The binomial name of an organism displays its exact taxonomic identity. State what a binomial name is made up of in this context. 

3b2 marks

The Eurasian beaver is a large, semi-aquatic rodent that feeds on the bark of trees and on aquatic plants. Its taxonomic groups are listed in the wrong arrangement in Table 1.

Table 1

















List the taxonomic groups for the Eurasian beaver in descending order of rank, beginning with the largest taxon. 

3c2 marks

Define the term, ‘hierarchical’ when it is used to describe the hierarchical classification system of organisms in biology. 

3d1 mark

Give one reason why DNA analysis has been useful in the field of taxonomy.

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4a1 mark

The blue oak, a large tree that grows in California, belongs to the taxa shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1







Use Table 1 to state the binomial name of the blue oak. 

4b1 mark

DNA comparisons between extinct and living species can be made in order to establish evolutionary relationships. Suggest one reason why DNA analysis of extinct species can be challenging.

4c2 marks

When comparing DNA sequences between species, the gene for cytochrome c is often used. Cytochrome c is an important protein in the process of cellular respiration. Explain why this gene is often chosen.

4d2 marks

Before protein analysis and DNA sequencing became available taxonomists had to use alternative observations to determine the evolutionary relationships between organisms.

State two kinds of short-term observation that taxonomists could make to distinguish between two species.  

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5a3 marks

Figure 1 includes some statements about the use of sequence data for establishing evolutionary relationships. Examples of sequence data include DNA, mRNA and amino acids.

Figure 1 

For all types of sequence data, it can be said that the more similar the sequences, the more ___A___ related the species are. Two groups of organisms with very similar sequences will have separated into separate species more ___B____ than two groups with less similarity in their sequences. Species that have been separated for longer have had more time to accumulate ____C____ .

Complete the missing words A-C in Figure 1 to convey the best meaning.


5b2 marks

Comparable DNA sequences were taken from three species, K, L, and M, are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Species K












Species L












Species M












  State which of species L or M is most closely related to species K, and explain your answer.

5c1 mark

Comparisons of DNA sequences can give more data about evolutionary relationships than amino acid sequences in proteins. Explain why. 

5d1 mark

Despite the fact that comparisons of DNA sequences can give more data about evolutionary relationships than amino acid sequences in proteins, it may be preferable to analyse protein structures. Suggest one practical reason why this may be the case. 

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1a2 marks

The domestic dog, Canis familiaris, and wolves belong to the family Canidae. Complete Table 1 below to show the classification of the domestic dog.

 Table 1















1b3 marks

It is still debated as to whether dogs and wolves are entirely different species or subspecies. It has been suggested that some wolves have bred with domestic dogs to produce fertile offspring. Suggest three different methods that scientists could use determine if the two animals are different species.

1c2 marks

The classification seen in Table 1 is described as a hierarchical system. Explain what is meant by this.

1d2 marks

The scientist decided to compare the DNA of domestic dogs and wolves. Name two other types of sequence data they could have used.

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2a3 marks

Taxonomists use specific principles when classifying organisms into different groups.

Explain what these are.

2b2 marks

Cytochrome c is a respiratory protein consisting of roughly 100 amino acids. Haemoglobin is a quaternary protein found in red blood cells consisting of over 400 amino acids. Explain which protein is a better choice for use in the construction of a phylogenetic tree that spreads across plantae, fungi and animalia.

2c2 marks

Scientists studied the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in five different animals. The number of differences in the amino acid sequence were recorded and compared with human cytochrome c.

Table 1 below shows their results.

Table 1


Number of differences in the amino acid sequence compared with human cytochrome c













Explain how these results suggest that the monkey is the most closely related to humans.

2d3 marks

An assistant who looked at the results in Table 1 suggested that dogs were more closely related to ducks than to any of the other animals. Consider whether this conclusion credible? Justify your answer.

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3a1 mark

Figure 1 below shows how some animals with antlers and horns have been classified.

Figure 1


State how many different orders are present in Figure 1?

3b2 marks

Describe one similarity and one difference between a phylogenetic system and a simple hierarchy.

3c2 marks

According to Figure 1 state which family and genus the red deer belong to.

3d3 marks

The offspring produced from breeding a horse with a donkey is known as a mule. The body cells of a horse contain 64 chromosomes while the body cells of a donkey contain 62 chromosomes. Predict whether mules are fertile or infertile. Explain your answer.

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4a2 marks

Specimen A and specimen B are small rodents.

Scientists wanted to determine whether specimen A and B are different species of rodent, or different forms of the same species.

In order to do this, they caught large numbers of each specimen type. For each rodent they recorded its sex, mass, tail length and took a sample of blood.

Table 1 shows some of the results.

Table 1


Specimen A

Specimen B






Mean mass / g (± standard deviation)

28.2 (±1.9)

23.8 (±1.3)

27.7 (±1.6)

24.5 (±0.89)

Mean tail length / mm (± standard deviation)



89.2 (±7.3)

87.8 (±6.8)

Explain how the standard deviation can help with the interpretation of this data.

4b3 marks

Evaluate if the data in Table 1 supports the hypothesis that the two specimens are different forms of the same rodent species.

4c2 marks

The scientists analysed the amino acid sequences of the blood protein samples that were taken from the different specimens. Explain how these sequences could provide evidence to determine if specimen A and specimen B are different species.

4d1 mark

When looking at a specific protein 13, the scientists noticed that specimen A and specimen B both had the same amino acid sequence for protein 13. However, upon further investigation they discovered they had different DNA sequences for protein 13.Explain how this is possible. 

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5a2 marks

The scientific names of three great apes are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1

Common Name

Scientific Name


Pongo pygmaeus


Pan troglodytes


Pan paniscus

Explain what the scientific names suggest about how the great apes are related to each other.

5b3 marks

Describe what Figure 1 below represents. Explain your answer.

Figure 1

5c2 marks

The orangutan also belongs to the Hominidae family. Use the information provided in Table 1 to sketch out Figure 1 and add the orangutan. The orangutan can be represented by the letter X.

5d1 mark

Name the highest-ranking taxonomic group in the biological classification system.

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1a2 marks

Explain how courtship behaviour prevents mating between different species. 

1b1 mark

Figure 1 shows the courtship behaviour of the brown widow spider, Latrodectus geometricus. When the female drives the male away, he will resume courting from an earlier stage of the sequence. 

Figure 1


Suggest why males who have been driven away by the female may resume courtship from an earlier stage. 

1c3 marks

The courtship sequence displayed by males is an energetically costly display that can last for several hours before the females decide to mate. Explain why the female brown widow spider might drive the male brown widow spiders away during a courtship sequence.

1d3 marks

The brown widow spider population has a disproportionately larger female population. Use the information from Figure 1 and the question to suggest why. 

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2a2 marks

Ailuropoda melanoleuca, the giant panda, and Ailurus fulgens, the red panda, are both native to China. The following evolutionary evidence suggests that these two panda species are closely related.

  • They live in similar environments;

  • They both digest bamboo as a primary source of food;

  • They both have a pseudo-thumb (a sixth digit) used to grip and shred food such as bamboo.

Table 1 shows the differences between a comparable sequence of mitochondrial DNA of four different mammals. 

Table 1


DNA Sequence

Giant panda


Red panda


Black bear




A group of students concluded that the raccoon is most closely related to the black bear. Use Table 1 to evaluate this conclusion. 

2b3 marks

The base sequences of a different section of mitochondrial DNA (not those shown in Table 1) were analysed and the number of differences was counted between the giant panda DNA and the DNA of the other mammals, as shown in Table 2

Table 2


Number of differences in base sequence

Red panda


Black bear




Mitochondrial DNA is estimated to mutate 1.87 x 10-7 mutations site-1 yr-1. Use the data from Table 2 to calculate how long ago the giant panda and the red panda evolved from a common ancestor. Give your answer in standard form and to three significant figures. 

2c2 marks

The red panda has 36 chromosomes per somatic cell whereas the giant panda has 42 chromosomes. Offspring born when these two species mate are infertile. Suggest why. 

2d3 marks

Explain how genome sequencing can be used to deduce evolutionary relationships between organisms, such as the giant panda and red panda. 

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3a4 marks

Dolphins and whales belong to the Cetaceans, an order of carnivorous aquatic mammals. There are two proposals put forward regarding the closest living relative of the cetaceans, as shown by R and S, in Figure 1

Figure 1


Describe the differences and similarities between the information in diagram R and S

3b4 marks

Casein is a protein found in the milk of most mammals. Scientists investigated the differences in the DNA base sequence of the gene coding for casein in the mammals shown in question 3a). Figure 2 shows their results. 

Figure 2


Using the information in Figure 2, debate whether Diagram R or S, from Figure 1, represents the current accepted theory regarding the evolutionary origin of the cetacean. 


3c2 marks

More recently, scientists decided to merge the orders Cetacea and Artiodactyla into a single order called Cetartiodactyla. Opinion is divided in the scientific literature about whether this change should have been made. Explain how this provides evidence for the tentative nature of taxonomy. 

3d1 mark

Use the information from part a) to identify the four taxonomic group headings to which dolphins and whales both belong. 

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4a2 marks

The point in time at which a species diverged from its most recent ancestor can be determined by measuring the percentage difference in DNA bases, as the rate at which differences accumulate is constant. 

There is a 0.7 % difference between the DNA of the pygmy chimpanzee and common chimpanzee, which diverged 3 million years ago. Human DNA differs from both the pygmy chimpanzee and common chimpanzee by 1.6 %. 

Calculate how long ago the ancestor of humans diverged from the ancestor of chimpanzees. State your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures. 

4b5 marks

Describe how immunological comparisons can be used to identify the closest living relative of humans. 

4c2 marks

Humans have a binomial name of Homo sapiens. Fossil evidence shows that, at one time, there were other species, Homo habilis and Homo erectus, living concurrently with humans. Some of the Homo species mated with other Homo species and produced children, but scientists still considered them as separate species. Suggest why.

4d2 marks

There are no other living members of the Homo genus, yet scientists are able to create authentic structures and models that represent how they probably looked. Explain how scientists are able to do this. 

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5a3 marks

There are 18 different species of penguin, living almost exclusively in the Southern hemisphere. They feed on fish, squid, krill and other sea animals. 

A group of scientists wanted to find how closely related a group of different species of penguin (surviving and extinct) were and used the method of DNA hybridisation. This is a process where a single strand of DNA is taken from each species and mixed with the opposite strand from another species. Time is allowed to form a hybrid, double stranded DNA molecule by complementary base pairing. 

Table 1 shows the results of the scientists' investigation. 

Table 1

Sources of hybrid DNA

DNA hybridisation (%)

Common names

Species binomial names

King penguin

Emperor penguin

 Aptenodytes patagonicus and   Aptenodytes forsteri


King penguin

Ridgen’s penguin (extinct)

 Aptenodytes patagonicus and   Aptenodytes ridgeni


Adélie penguin

Emperor penguin

 Aptenodytes forsteri and 

 Pygoscelis adeliae


Adélie penguin

Chinstrap penguin

 Pygoscelis antarcticus and   Pygoscelis adeliae


Chinstrap penguin

Chinstrap penguin

 Pygoscelis antarcticus and   Pygoscelis antarcticus 


Chinstrap penguin

Gentoo penguin

 Pygoscelis antarcticus and   Pygoscelis papua



The scientists measured the temperatures at which each sample of hybrid DNA separated into single strands. Explain how the information obtained could be used to find the percentage of hybridisation. 

5b2 marks

Explain what the data in Table 1 shows about the evolutionary relationships between the different species of penguin. 

5c2 marks

Explain why, in Table 1, two members of P. antarcticus (chinstrap penguin) did not have 100% DNA hybridisation. Do not include sources of measurement error in your answer.  


5d1 mark

The data in Table 1 includes DNA analysis from an extinct species, Aptenodytes ridgeni (Ridgen’s penguin). Suggest how the scientists managed to gather data from an extinct species.  

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