
The examiner-written revision resources that improve your grades 2x

Save My Exams is the stress-free path to helping students study effectively and get higher grades than they ever thought possible.

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20,000+ revision notes Past papers and mark schemes 100,000+ practice questions and model answers And lots more

Why it works

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only what you need to

Enjoy the relief and reassurance that every revision guide is written specifically for that syllabus so you only revise what you need to know.

Never felt so relieved in my life

Quite literally has saved my exams on multiple occasions

An illustration of a student completing a test on a laptop

Test yourself

and check progress

Feel empowered and confident going into exams knowing that you’ve covered all the topics and have a greater understanding of each subject.

The tailored level of questions builds so much confidence within my students

An illustration of a student holding a stack of exam papers


answer by answer

Gain certainty that you’re answering questions that get maximum marks, from model answers for every question, explained by an expert examiner or teacher.

I went from a 6-7-7 in Year 10 to 9-9-9 for my real exams, only because of your superb resources

An illustration of students holding their exam results

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Meet our experts

Our revision resources are written by teachers and examiners. That means notes, questions by topic and worked solutions that show exactly what the examiners for each specific exam are looking for.

We work harder so you can study smarter.

15,000+ reviews and counting

Members love Save My Exams

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  • I would just like to say a massive thank you for putting together such a brilliant, easy to use website. I really think using this site helped me secure my top grades in science and maths. You really did save my exams! Thank you.


    IGCSE Student

  • This website is soooo useful and I can’t ever thank you enough for organising questions by topic like this. Furthermore, the name of the website could not have been more appropriate as it literally did SAVE MY EXAMS!


    A Level Student

  • Just to say that your resources are the best I have seen and I have been teaching chemistry at different levels for about 40 years


    Chemistry Teacher

  • Incredible! SO worth my money, the revision notes have everything I need to know and are so easy to understand. I actually enjoy revising! It makes me feel a lot more confident for my GCSEs in a few months.


    GCSE Student

  • Absolutely brilliant, both my girls used it for A levels and GCSE. It’s saves on paper copies, also beneficial topic questions ranked from easy to hard. It’s removed a lot of stress from the exams.



  • Rated Excellenton Trustpilot
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