Classification of Energy (Edexcel GCSE Geography: B (1GB0))

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Classification of Energy

Non-renewable energy sources

  • Non-renewable energy are energy sources which are finite and will eventually run out. They include:
    • Gas
    • Oil
    • Coal
  • Fossil fuel energy sources are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions

Renewable energy sources

  • Renewable energy are energy sources which are infinite and will not run out. They include:
    • Hydroelectric
    • Wave/tidal
    • Wind
    • Solar
    • Geothermal
  • Once in place they do not produce any greenhouse gas emissions
  • Greenhouse gases may be emitted in the production, construction and transport of the equipment

Recyclable energy sources

  • These are energy sources which can be recycled such as biofuel and nuclear 

Worked example

Renewable and recyclable energy resources can be used instead of non-renewable fossil fuels

Explain what is meant by renewable energy resources 

(2 marks)


  • Sources such as wind/solar/water (1) because they are inexhaustible/continuous/infinite/won’t run out (1)

Explain what is meant by recyclable energy resources

(2 marks)


  • Sources such as plant remains used to grow more biofuels (1) because the outputs/waste can be used again (1)

Environmental Impacts of Energy

  • All forms of energy source extraction and production have environmental impacts
  • With non-renewable energy sources these impacts are negative 

Environmental Impacts of Non-renewable Energy Sources

Energy Source Environmental Impacts
  • Risk of explosions
  • Releases CO2 one of the main greenhouse gases
  • Air pollution
  • Risk of oil spills - Exxon Valdez
  • Risk of fire and explosions - Piper Alpha platform
  • Air pollution
  • Releases CO2 
  • Releases CO
  • Releases SO2 which leads to acid rain
  • Opencast mining destroys habitats
  • Air pollution 
  • Large quantities of water used during the extraction process

  • With renewable and recycleable the environmental impacts may be both positive and negative

Environmental Impacts of Renewable and Recyclable Energy Sources

Energy Source Positive Negative
  • No greenhouse gas emissions
  • Controls flooding downstream
  • Large areas of land are flooded behind the dam
  • Dam traps sediment which can affect ecosystems downstream
  • Visual pollution
  • Can prevent fish movement upstream
  • In tropical areas it often involves large scale deforestation
  • No greenhouse gas emissions
  • No air pollution
  • Can affect marine ecosystems
  • No greenhouse gas emissions once in place
  • No air pollution

  • Visual pollution
  • Noise pollution 
  • May affect bird migration patterns or kill birds who fly into the moving blades
  • Greenhouse gas emissions during manufacture 
  • No greenhouse gas emissions once in place
  • No air pollution
  • Uses large areas of land
  • Greenhouse gas emissions during manufacture 
  • No COgases
  • Emits sulphuric gases
  • No greenhouse gas emissions once in place
  • Large amounts of cement used in power plant construction (manufacture of cement releases greenhouse gases)
  • Disposal of waste 
  • Uses waste or biofuels which can be regrown
  • Air pollution
  • Produces greenhouse gas emissions

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Author: Bridgette

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.